Life Skills for Teens

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share a new book Life Skills for Teens: How to manage everyday life, including money management, social skills, studying habits, cooking your favorite meal, how to change a tire, and much more by Robert James Ryan. Charlie and I will be using in our Homeschool Home Economics Class this year as I prepare Charlie for college or going out on his own.

Life Skills for Teens: contains advice on healthy habits not only all teens need to know but adults including staying clean, exercising and eating well. As well as advice on how to become better at social skills. Along with how to stay safe online which we all need to know with everything happening in this world. In the blink of an eye our identity can be stolen, and we can have our social security and credit cards stolen.

How to remain safe while driving, which will go hand in hand with Charlie’s Drivers Ed course this year. How to get a job which will be Charlie’s first time to do that this year. The authors shows teens how to save money for the future, and how to take care of your first own home which can be used in the home there living in now.

I liked how the author included references for much of the material included. Life Skills for Teens: could best be used as a reference a parent reads together with the teenager, as a tool for engagement and teaching. I love how the skills students aren’t taught in school are taught in this book and I believe all teens needs a copy of this book.


Growing up is hard, love. Otherwise, everyone would do it.”- Kim Harrison

Parents, this book will help you and your teenager in many ways. I just wish I had this book when I was a teenager. This is an easy read for teenagers delivered in a positive tone.

Are you a teenager who feels like you just can’t win? Everyone says you aren’t a kid anymore, but no one considers you an adult either…

Before you turned thirteen, did you want nothing more than to be a “grown-up” teenager, but then it turned out to be this strange halfway point where no one listens to you because they think you’re too old to be a kid, but too young to be an adult?

Then, to add to the confusion, you have a million new things to learn—like budgeting, laundry, and how to maintain a car—but not one of these things is being taught in school…

Well, if it’s any consolation… you aren’t alone.

In fact, according to a survey conducted by OnePoll on recent college grads, “81% of respondents agreed they wish they were taught more life skills before graduating college.”

Learning how to be independent is hard, and you’ll certainly encounter problems along the way.

But the key is to remember that you can solve these problems—and you can be one step ahead of the game by knowing what to expect, and being prepared for the curveballs life throws at you—with the help of this easy-to-read book!

Inside, here’s just a fraction of what you’ll discover:

  • How to become a super teen who doesn’t give in to peer pressure
  • Clever ways to avoid those dreaded awkward silences
  • A situation when it’s good to blame your parents… and they’ll be happy you did it!
  • The secret to landing your first job like a pro… when you actually have zero experience
  • How “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees can literally save your life (or someone else’s) one day.
  • Tips on how to be smarter with your money—from creating your own budget, to dipping your toes into the world of investing.
  • A step-by-step guide on what to do when the cops pull you over.
  • Everything you need to know to survive when you’re home alone… and how to keep the house in one piece.

And so much more.

You may think that you could just wait for life to happen, and let experience be your teacher, but why put yourself through all that suffering and failure when you can overcome whatever challenges come your way, and just keep winning instead?

They say that your adolescent years are the most difficult and worst years of your life, but they don’t have to be! Choose to take charge of this period in your life and make these years your happiest yet—starting today!

If you want to know how you can equip yourself with the essential life skills to set you up for success in your teenage years and beyond, then you must purchase this book as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates