Life in the Present: A Joyful Collection of Comics About Living in the Moment by Liz Climo (Review)

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share a new book with you called Life in the Present: A Joyful Collection of Comics About Living in the Moment by Liz Climo I received a copy of in exchange for this review. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the items you purchase.

Charlie and I sat down this morning to browse through d Life in the Present which contains comics living in the moment that we discussed as a family. This book is filed with small comics broken up with illustrations. I love all the animals inside the book and that this is more than a comic book but a self-help book teaching us positive ways to think about ourselves.

Life In The Present is a pocket size book that you can carry anywhere with you. I enjoyed getting to know the Author from her information in the front of the book. This book is for adults but I can see how it would help everyone and I hope you take the time to check out d Life in the Present and that you share it with your friends and family.

About the book: Liz Climo

Climo, Liz profile image


Liz Climo grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and moved to Los Angeles after College to work as a character artist on The Simpsons. She started a comic blog,, and is the author and illustrator of the books Rory the Dinosaur, The Little World of Liz Climo & Lobster is the Best Medicine. Liz currently lives in Los Angeles with her husband, and their daughter.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates