Life As Play

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for Life As Play which I received in exchange for this review.

I believe we all should live our live playing : living compassionately, intuitively, spontaneously. If we do this the Author says miracles would happen which I’m not sure is true but if they did that would be awesome. What I do not though is we all would be more happy and less STRESSED which is a Godsend.

Throughout the book I learned tips I can use not only in my life but share with David and Charlie. I learned about new people and new places Charlie and I can study in Homeschool.

This isn’t a book I would have Charlie sit down and read being a Teen but there is things I will share with him from when I read the book. As for David I believe he should take the time to read the book to learn ways to deal with things happening in his life.



 Mark Johnson’s six-decade-long global spiritual journey culminated with his book, Life As Play: Live compassionately, intuitively, spontaneously, and miracles will happen!,which serves as an initiation into a life of Play.

Mark encourages you to take the plunge into the unknown and mystery of your own life where every action becomes an effortless, appropriate response to whatever life brings you.

Life As Play chronicles author Mark Johnson’s 50-year spiritual odyssey with some of the most fascinating spiritual teachers of the last half-century. His travels take him from the mountains of Pennsylvania to exotic temples in China and Tibet and eventually to the wild and dangerous hills of Malibu, California.

Mark chronicles his ten years training in an Advaita Vedanta center in Florida, then a year of visiting Suzuki Roshi in California. Then the Play began, with an intense 28-year apprenticeship to the powerful Daoist wizard he meets in Taiwan and convinces to come to the US.

Mark learned many valuable self-healing techniques in their Malibu clinic: how to heal oneself with high-frequency energies available to everyone; how to utilize deep breathing techniques for clearing and integrating our subconscious; the power of love, compassion, spontaneity, intuition, and inner stillness; how to recognize an Avatar if you are lucky enough to meet one; and how to activate your acupuncture meridians and auric energies. There are chapters on Feng Shui, Daoist sexual practices, the nine secrets to a life of Play, and much more. 

The central message is that if an ordinary boy from central Pennsylvania can learn to live in an abiding state of Play, then surely you can too. 


In its pages, you will discover how to allow your innate Playful essence to express itself in every moment. Think of Mark’s story as a tour and initiation into a life of Play.

Life As Play is filled with tales of the unexpected and the unique circumstances that characterize a life of Play. This is not a book about playing, it is a Playful book!

The most consistent theme throughout the book is that of the power of synchronicities to encourage a life of Play and how it reveals the interconnectedness of all creation.

The book will help you recognize this Playful place within yourself and allow it to expand. Mark said he will never rest until it is in every motel room on the planet… and beyond.

“The spiritual life is often considered dull, boring, and strait-laced. According to Mark, this stereotype is absurd. In Life as Play, Johnson traces his spiritual development and explains how laughter, fun, sex, chaos, and paradox were instrumental in what he calls ‘playing with enlightenment.’ I can think of no better and no more delightful book to initiate novices embarking on their spiritual journey.”

-Stanley Krippner, PhD
Professor of Psychology and Humanistic Studies, Saybrook University
Co-Author, Personal Mythology and Demystifying Shamans and Their World


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Mark Johnson is a semi-retired Tai Ji and Chi Gung instructor and healer. He continues to judge Tai Ji tournaments regularly, serves on the Advisory Council to the National Qigong Association, and leads Daoist retreats to China and Tibet yearly.

He sells his Tai Chi for Seniors video and other instructional DVDs through his online company. Mark has studied and practiced Eastern Philosophy for over 45 years and has apprenticed with some of the most prominent Vedanta, Zen and Daoist teachers in the world. He has been a member and research subject at the Institute of Noetic Sciences for nearly 15 years.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates