This is a Lesson Plan/ Unit Study for Clark Cups Peanut Butter Cups. Before you begin your Lesson Plan pick up a Clark Bar to share with your students. Remember you might have to purchase the Clark Bar online.
Clark Cups Peanut Butter Cups 1.5 oz. A new peanut butter cup from Boyer, the makers of Mallo Cups and Smoothie Cups. Clark Cups are a classic Boyer peanut butter cup filled with crunchy bits you’ll remember from the original Clark candy bar.
Spelling Words:
Clark Bar, candy, chocolate, Toffee, caramel, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, confection, World War 1, Leaf Candy Company, Pittsburgh Food & Beverage Company
Discussion Questions:
- What happened to Clark bars?
- What is the main ingredients inside a Clark bar?
- Which war was Clark bars sent to?
- Which candy bar is the Clark bar compared to?
- Who acquired the Clark bar?
Draw a picture of the Clark Bar in it’s original package and them make a picture of your won design updating the Clark Bar using font and colors of your choice.
Create a Jingle or Tag Line that could be used to promote a Clark bar on TV which would appeal to children.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates