Learn, Grow, Eat and Go! training for teachers set July 20 in Fort Worth

The Mommies Reviews

 Learn, Grow, Eat and Go! training for teachers set July 20 in Fort Worth

The Learn, Grow, Eat and Go! program will cover topics including how to build and maintain a student-led garden. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Sam Craft)

   Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service’s Junior Master Gardener program will hold a Learn, Grow, Eat and Go! teacher training on July 20 in Fort Worth.The Learn, Grow, Eat and Go! program will cover topics including how to build and maintain a student-led garden. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Sam Craft)Onsite check-in will begin at 8:30 a.m., and the training will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Tarrant County Plaza Building, 200 Taylor St., Kornfield Room. Lunch, snacks and beverages will be provided.

Advance registration is required. The cost is $50. The program provides eight Texas Education Agency continuing professional education hours and Texas Environmental Education Advisory Committee credit. Learn, Grow, Eat and Go!, LGEG, uses research- and evidence-based curriculum developed by teachers for teachers. Participants will receive all lesson plans and activity how-to instructions related to the LGEG program.

Learn, Grow, Eat and Go! teacher training: The training will cover teaching LGEG, which is a Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills aligned program. Teachers will learn the 10-week LGEG program, which combines academic achievement, gardening, fresh vegetable exposure, physical activity, and school and family engagement. Hands-on lesson demonstrations will be led by the AgriLife Extension Junior Master Gardener team.

Participants will learn how to: Effectively and confidently lead a class with the LGEG curriculum. Build and maintain a student-led garden. Encourage students to try new and healthy foods. Inspire students beyond the classroom. -30-Would you like more information from Texas A&M AgriLife? Sign up for our Texas A&M AgriLife E-Newsletter

Junior Master Gardener program offers continuing professional education hours

JUNE 29, 2023Media Inquiries to Brooke McDonald, brooke.mcdonald@ag.tamu.edu Written by Susan Himes, Susan.Himes@ag.tamu.edu Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service’s Junior Master Gardener program will hold a Learn, Grow, Eat and Go! teacher training on July 20 in Fort Worth.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates