It’s Wednesday, May 15, 2019, and time for us to share a Homeschool Resource with you. On Wednesday’s I like to share Language Arts resources. If you have used these resources let me know what you liked or disliked about the resources and why.
Guide to Writing a Basic Essay

Age Range: 10-18 (Grades 5-12, with parental supervision)
This website offers basic instruction in how to write an essay in a simple, easy-to-follow format.
The simple steps are:
Decide on your topic
Prepare an outline or diagram of your ideas
Write your thesis statement
Write the body
Write the introduction
Write the conclusion
Add the finishing touches
There is a great sample of a well-written essay at this site as well.
Another feature at this site are the links to other Internet resources for writing, grammar, bibliographies, research credits, study aids, and writing tutors – this is a comprehensive list and every link we tried was well worth the visit.

Age Range: 5-18 (Grades K-12, with parental supervision) This website provides all kinds of free, interactive writing prompts, lessons, and resources designed to inspire a passion for writing.
As explained at the site, it has “strategically designed lessons to help ‘fix’ teachers who don’t enjoy teaching writing.”
It was designed for classroom teachers and students, but can be easily adapted for use in the homeschool environment. There is so much content at this site, that a brief review can hardly do it justice. So, we’ll focus on a few aspects, and leave it to you to explore the rest on your own.
The first thing you should know is that there is a lot going on at this site – so much so, that it can be a little overwhelming. Our advice is to visit the site when you really have some time to sort through what’s available. There is both “free content” and some “fee content” on the site.
When you get to the site, you’ll see an introduction and some featured items. Place your cursor over the menu on the left to see the drop-down list of options for each menu item that includes:
- Writing Prompts – Get a variety of quick and easy prompts for kids that will inspire daily writing. Most are interactive that require you to fill in blanks or click on buttons to generate some ideas.
- Mentor Text Lessons – Get free writing lessons for grades K-12 themed around picture books, chapter books, literature excerpts, poetry, short stories, and even popular song lyrics!
- And so much more!
As we mentioned, there is much more available for you to review on your own. It may be easier to just sign up to have the FREE writing lesson emailed to you each month. To do that, click on the link under “Free Monthly Lessons” on the left margin of the homepage.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates