Click and Learn ~ It’s Wednesday, August 28, 2019, and time for Language Arts. I would like to ask you to check out the two Recommended Website:
VocabularySpellingCity and Internet4Classrooms: Language Arts. If you have used these resources let me know what you thought of them and why.
Recommended Website: VocabularySpellingCity

Age Range: 5-18 (Grades K-12, with parental supervision) This ad-supported website offers free activities and games to help students improve their spelling and vocabulary skills.
In addition to the freebies, the site offers a “Premium Membership” for a fee – but you don’t need to purchase a thing to access the free games. When you get to the site, click on “Free” in the left side bar, then choose from the following:
- Spelling Test Me – Take quizzes to test your spelling skill by grade range: K-2nd Sight Words, 3rd-5th Possessive Nouns, 6th-8th Geography and 9th-12th Chemistry.
- Spelling Teach Me – Students can choose from predetermined word lists and then engage in a classic spelling learning method that includes visual and auditory modalities in each lesson.
- And more games and activities like Word Match, Word Search, Hang Mouse
Students will naturally intuit how this site works. Parents may find the FAQs helpful in understanding how the site works, and the many features it offers.
Again, you can access the basic games and activities absolutely free without registration. You can also purchase a “Premium Membership” that includes a variety of “extras” that you can learn more about at the website.
Recommended Website: Internet4Classrooms: Language Arts

Age Range: 5-13 (Grades K-8, with parental supervision) This site was designed by two Tennessee teachers who pooled their experience and resources to provide, for free, a huge list of links to lessons, games, and activities that are conveniently organized by grade level and subject matter.
When you get to this page of the website you’ll see a menu – simply scroll down, click on a grade level and a new page opens. Then click on Language Arts and another page opens with a list of links that lead directly to activities for students to practice specific skills – like spelling, grammar, reading comprehension, writing, etc.
Does your second grader need help with spelling? Just go to the second grade language arts page and scroll down to spelling. There you can select different activities to practice. If after reaching this page you decide that your child needs a little more (or less) challenge, you can adjust the grade level accordingly.
The same astonishing archive of resources (organized according to Tennessee state standards) are also on this site for Math, Science and Social Studies.
This is an incredibly helpful resource, updated frequently. It’s unusual to find such a comprehensive archive of educational links that is so meticulously maintained.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates