Kristy, Mikey, and Harley D the Cat

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie and I are reading Kristy, Mikey, and Harley D the Cat for our reading class this week. I thought your children might enjoy checking out Kristy, Mikey, and Harley D the Cat as well.

I would like to ask you to give the Author Holly Smith some love because Kristy, Mikey, and Harley D the Catt is the first novel she has written with her daughter Krista Taylor.

Charlie and I learned that through Kristy, Mikey, and Harley D the Cat that even though brothers and sisters may get on each other nerves they still love each and just need to be reminded from time to time.

Which was great for me as I’ve been having issues with my sister and brother since my dad’s passing. I know I need to make a phone call or two to fix things because tomorrow isn’t promised as we all know.

Charlie and I learned that no, matter how old we are it’s still nice to pretend at times. We plan on getting wings and a cape for the next time Elijah is over to play with him.

Charlie and I enjoyed getting to know the kitten Harley D and seeing what he liked to do and now, Charlie can’t wait to visit our Human Society to pet and play with the kittens waiting to be adopted.

Which will be a Field Trip for school and Charlie wants to draw Harley D and hang him up in his room during our Art class. As you can see this new children’s book gave us lots of new lessons to use in our Homeschooling class.

Kristy and Mikey are brother and sister, and best friends. They play together every day but not today. Today all Kristy wants to do is be alone and read her new storybook, but her little brother has other ideas.

If that is not enough, Mikey thinks he is a superhero that can fly through the air. Honestly, how much can a girl take?! Kristy has to find a way to escape, but how

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates