Keto Farms

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie and Bradley was outside playing yesterday and both of them said they was hungry and would like to have a Snack. Even though I had purchased groceries the day before with David’s hours being cut I’m watching what Charlie is eating.

Keto Trail Skinny Jalapeno

I have showed Charlie his snacks for the week and went over how long they must last and why. When they said they wanted a snack yesterday I reminded Charlie Bradley would need to go home and get something as we didn’t have anything for him.

Charlie said mom he can’t his parents left and they locked the door. I shook my head and said I am sorry he will have to wait until his parents get home which made me feel like the worst parent on the planet but I have to take care of my family not everyone else.

I went back inside and we had a box of snacks boxed up for one of our older neighbors so she wouldn’t have to get out and go to the store. Inside was two bags of Trail Mix from Keto Farms.

David, said what if we give one of the packages to Bradley and Charlie to share. I said that would be fine but I knew it wouldn’t be enough for two growing boys.

I went and grabbed the other bag and took them outside to give to Bradley and Charlie. I thought Charlie would fuss and say I don’t want that and I am not going to eat it because Charlie wanted a Starcake.

Charlie didn’t he opened the package right away and begin eating the Trail Mix and said he liked it a lot. Bradley tried it and he also liked it and asked if he could take the package home to show his mom once they finished the Trail Mix.

I told Bradley that would be fine because he wanted his mom to order some for him and Charlie. I know will not happen if they get more David and I will have to order it for them.

You’re getting the appetite control and fat loss.

Hey, keto works!

But… let’s be honest.

No more Doritos? Cheez Its?!

If you’re like us… that’s bad news!

You don’t want to fall off the wagon…

So when you’re craving your favorite junk food…

Or just want a crunchy snack…

We’re here for you.

We make delicious keto snacks. 

Always with real food.

And filled with big flavor and exciting crunch.

So you can treat yourself.

And feel good along the way.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates