
The Mommies Reviews

Keldik, specializes in products for sleep and the Circadian system which for those that don’t know is (our internal clock) including blue light blocking glasses that block the light spectrum that blocks our Melatonin production.

Blue light blocking glasses for sleep and circadian amber lens

These glasses can be an excellent gift for anybody that has to work in front of a computer at night since this can impact sleep quality. Both teachers and students tend to have poor sleep quality due to exposure to blue light.

These glasses aren’t only good for teachers and students if you work on a Computer at all at night them you should check out Keldick which I have been using in the evening working on my blog.

I’ve noticed my headaches haven’t been happening as much. Once I am ready to go to bed I seem to sleep better and longer. I thought the glasses would bother me when I had them on but they fit so well its like I’m not even using them.

Tthe president of the company is a sleep medicine specialist, who knows a thing or two about sleep. He tested the spectral pattern of the glasses to ensure optimal results and the customers were very satisfied so far.

Before you ask yes, there are other so-called “blue blockers” in the market but they only block a small percentage of blue light, Keldick glasses are really good.

With David working nights now and Charlie returning to Homeschooling soon I knew either Charlie would be doing school in the evening or I would be working at night and it doesn’t matter who it is but one of us will always be using Keldick glasses.

Because like me if Charlie is on the computer to long he ends up with a Headache but since we have been using he hasn’t had as many problems and he says like me he sleeps better at night.

If you have students returning to school or you work on a Computer at night then I would like to suggest you pick up a pair of Keldick glasses for yourself.

Here is a code you can use for 10% OFF a pair of glasses. Please use this code when purchasing your glasses: “MommiesReviews” (without quotation marks, it does not have to be capitalized).

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates