June 7 National Chocolate Ice Cream Day #ChocolateIceCreamDay

The Mommies Reviews

Earlier this morning Charlie and I each had lunch with our best friends. Now. I am at home by myself because David is at work and Charlie went to his grandmother’s to play Basketball. Did you know June 7th is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day #ChocolateIceCreamDay? Since both David and Charlie aren’t home I wish I had some Chocolate Ice Cream to celebrate today with but I don’t. I think I might look a recipe up online to see how I can make Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream to surprise David and Charlie with. Would you like to join me and we can make Ice Cream for your family as well.

Here’s a little-known Chocolatey morsel for National Chocolate Ice Cream Day Chocolate Ice Cream was actually invented before Vanilla. I new would have thought that. Would you? The earliest Ice Cream flavors were modeled after drinks, so Chocolate naturally came before Vanilla because hot Chocolate was very popular in 17th-Century Europe. In fact, the first frozen Chocolate recipe was published in 1692 Naples in the book “The Modern Steward,” and much later Chocolate Ice Cream found its way to the U.S. National Chocolate Ice Cream Day falls on June 7th to help us channel our inner Willy Wonka and pay tribute to this treat.


  1. Today is the perfect time to visit an old-fashioned Ice Cream Parlor if you find yourself hoping for an old-timey experience to celebrate National Chocolate Ice Cream Day, and order a Milkshake or Sundae. Choose whatever Chocolate flavor you desire, for David I know he would pick Germain Chocolate and Charlie and I would choose regular Chocolate Ice Cream. What flavor of Chocolate would you choose and why? A day at the Parlor will be a sweet time when you’re transported 60 years into the past.
  2. The best way to make your Ice Cream double the Chocolatey goodness is to cover the ice Cream with chunks of your favorite Candy Bar or douse your Chocolate Ice Cream in Chocolate Sauce because double the Chocolate, is double the fun.
  3. After a long day at work, nothing is better than a drink created using Chocolate Ice Cream or a bowl of Ice Cream to take the edge off a stressful day. To double the celebration you could have a boozy Chocolate Cocktail and a bowl of Chocolate ice Cream which will leave both drinkers and Chocolate lovers satisfied. Remember nothing beats a Chocolate buzz.


  1. When decadence meets the refreshingly cold, silky texture of Ice Cream they’re a truly mouthwatering duo that was clearly meant to be.
  2. Chocolate and Ice Cream is one of the world’s most popular foods to indulge in when you’re going through a tough breakup or when you’ve just had a bad day. One bowl of Ice Cream is scientifically proven to help make fights, heartaches, breakups, and sadness just a little bit easier.
  3. Think back to chasing down the Ice Cream truck or standing on you tip toes to pick out your favorite Chocolate scoop at the Ice Cream counter because we all know Chocolate Ice Cream brings back that childlike nostalgia with its classic and simple taste.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates