June 3 National Egg Day #NationalEggDay

The Mommies Reviews

Eggs are a wonderful, and nutritious food. Researchers and nutritionists have determined that the good health benefits of eating Eggs exceed the bad benefits. Let’s all celebrate and enjoy National Egg Day on June 3rd break out of your shell and celebrate this incredible, healthy food holiday.

In 1968, the American Heart Association recommended limiting consumption to just three Eggs per week. Can you imagine that? David says he can’t because he eats 3 Eggs at a time. How about you? The concern in eating more than 3 Eggs a week was the high level of cholesterol in Eggs. Years later nutritionists have determined the health benefits outweighed the bad.

The high level of protein is good for your bones and muscles. Eggs contain essential vitamins and micronutrients, most notably vitamins A, D, and E. Eggs contain antioxidants that can slow down the aging process and improve vision. Eggs has Omega-3 fats which are good for your heart. And, some studies suggest eating Eggs can help you to lose weight. If I knew that was true I would eat Eggs all the time. How about you? With all of this goodness inside of a thin shell, be a good Egg and eat lots of Eggs today, prepared in your favorite recipes.

The Incredible, Edible Egg

There are all sorts of ways to prepare Eggs for consumption. We fry Eggs to make scrambled Eggs, Sunny Side Up Eggs. Omelets are another popular choice. Eggs can be Poached or they can be prepared both soft- and hard-boiled. Eggs Benedict are a popular way of preparing Eggs that I’ve never tried. Have you? Eggs are the main ingredient in Quiche. Egg Salad is a lunchtime favorite. Let’s not forget the Egg McMuffin. 

While we think of the Eggs we eat as coming from Birds, humans eat Eggs from many other types of animals but Chicken are by far the most popular Eggs consumed worldwide.

Here are some other animal Eggs people consume:

  • Some of the other common Bird Eggs we eat are Duck, Goose, Ostrich, Turkey, and Emu, to name a few.
  • Many people enjoy Fish Roe ie Caviar.
  • Turtle Eggs are considered a delicacy in some parts of the world.
  • If you are brave and daring, steal a Egg or two or even three from a Crocodile or Alligator nest and scramble the Eggs up.
  • Snake Eggs are a delicacy in some regions of the world.

Egg Trivia

  •  The “White Leghorn” Chicken is the most popular variety of Chicken used in commercial production. This breed produces a white-shelled Egg. The Hens are consistent daily layers.
  • A Chicken Egg develops over a period of 24 to 26 hours. After the Hen has laid an Egg, a new one begins to develop within 30 minutes.
  • Eggs are high in cholesterol. But, researchers now believe the good health benefits outweigh the bad.
  • Eggs contain the nutrient “choline”, which promotes good brain function.
  • A large Egg has just 7 calories and 7 grams of protein and they are high in minerals and vitamins.
  • Older Eggs have larger air cells, making them easier to peel off the shell.
  • To see if a Egg is fresh put the Egg in a pan of water. If it is fresh, it sinks. If it is old, it floats.
  • An estimated 1 in 20,000 Eggs contain harmful bacteria. Consequently, it can make you sick once every 84 years.
  • In 300 B.C., Chicken farmers began incubating Chicken Eggs in clay ovens.
  • Eggs can have as many as 17,000 pores. 
  • Shampooing with Eggs is good for your hair and as a result, the Yolks are often an ingredient in hair shampoo and conditioners.
  • The world’s largest Chicken Egg was laid in 2010 by a Hen named “Harriet”. The Egg measured 9.1 inches in diameter.
  • Pysanky is a traditional, intricately painted Ukrainian Easter Egg.
  • Platypus and the Echidna are the only two Mammals that lay Eggs. However, they are not consumed by humans because the Eggs are too small.
  • One Ostrich Egg is equivalent in size to 20 Chicken Eggs and the Egg can weigh up to 5 pounds

How to Celebrate and Participate in National Egg Day

  • Eat, a lot of Eggs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • Try a new recipe that would make Eggs the star of the dish
  • Share one of your favorite Egg recipes with others.
  • Make hard-boiled Eggs then invite your friends and family to color and decorate the Eggs with you.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates