June 27 National Bomb Pop Day #NationalBombPopDay

June 27th is National Bomb Pop Day #NationalBombPopDay, Can you believe I will be turning 60 in November and I’ve never had a #Bombpop. When Suzzane was here she liked Bomb Pops and so does Charlie and I bet if you asked David he would like a Bomb Pop he would say yes while I would prefer other Ice Cream. How about you?

Did you know National Bomb Pop Day pops up on the last Thursday of June each year, so this year National Bomb Po Day will be celebrated on June 27th. With its iconic and immediately recognizable trio of colors of red, white, and blue, the Bomb Pop was born at the outset of a period of patriotic frenzy in American history.

What is a Bomb Pop, though? The Bomb Pop is a frozen confection that is shaped like a rocket and is tri-colored. Each color has a different flavor, with the original flavors being Cherry, Lime, and Blue Raspberry. Since the Bomb Pop is a frozen treat is itself reminiscent of star-shaped fireworks, the name ‘Bomb Pop’ isn’t really a point to ponder.

Because of the color theme, this frozen treat is now a popular favorite to serve on Fourth of July celebrations, too, so why not kick-start the party by stocking up at your nearest Grocery Store? Or better yet, take the nostalgic route by chasing down a Ice-Cream truck and getting your Bomb Pops from there.

The Bomb Pop was first invented by D.S. Abernethy and James S. Merritt, of Merritt Foods, on July 30th, 1955, in Kansas City, Missouri. The Bomb Pops invention occurred at the outset of the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union (modern-day Russia) when the situation was heating up as the two world powers began to consider a nuclear war.

It seems almost poetic that amidst the threat of nuclear warfare, Abernethy and Merritt came up with a frozen treat to cool down temperaments all over the Nation. The Bomb Pop was shaped like a bomb with six fins, hence the name Bomb Pop, and its color scheme reflected the patriotic zeitgeist of America during the Cold War. The Bomb Pops star shape is also reminiscent of star-shaped rocket fireworks, which is apt for Independence Day celebrations, too.

Speaking of the War, the Bomb Pop story is not without its share of controversy, too. In 1989, Popsicle released the Firecracker Pop as the Bomb Pop’s direct rival and the ‘war’ between the two companies was ongoing until 2014. In 1991, Merritt Foods had to close down, however, it was bought by Well’s Dairy, Iowa Bomb Pops and all. Since then, the Popsicle has only risen in popularity, so much so that Well’s Dairy collaborated with Walt Disney to release a ‘Buzz Lightyear Bomb Pop’ in 2003.

Did you know the Bomb Pops of today come in different color combinations and flavors, however, the traditional Bomb Pop remains a hit. It was in 2005, in honor of 50 years of Bomb Pops, that Bomb Pop Day became a National holiday and we think that was a very cool move! Come and celebrate National Bomb Pop Day with us.


  1. There is no better way to celebrate National Bomb Pop Day than to purchase this frozen patriot-sicle for yourself or the young ones. Bomb Pops can be bought from Ice-Cream trucks (if your neighborhood still has them) or most convenience stores. If on the off chance you fail to find any, you can always go online and check the official Bomb Pop website for the nearest supply available.
  2. Educate yourself by reading up about the Cold War and maybe even get your nose stuck into some of the literature being produced around that time. It’s always worthwhile to do a little historical exploration and know more about the goings-on in the Nation (and even the world at large) at that time.
  3. Why not try making your own unique flavor combination, or experiment with the different foods/beverages you enjoy to create something new. It can be fun for the whole family, kids included!


  1. Chuski is sold by street vendors across India, and it is a tightly packed ball or cone of Ice, with flavored Syrup poured over it.
  2. Paleta is popular in Mexico, and this version of an Ice Lolly is packed with fresh Summer fruit and sweetened with Honey or Agave.
  3. BingsuIn Korea, has a dessert made of shaved Ice, topped with sweetened Red Beans and condensed Milk.


  1. It’s a food holiday and better yet, it’s a confectionary holiday, and who doesn’t have a sweet tooth! We love the fact that this frozen treat has a day of its own so we can indulge guilt-free, and also learn more about the Bomb Pop while doing so.
  2. While you cool off with a Bomb Pop, we hope it will not give you brain freeze, as the Bomb Pop should pique your interest in knowing more about the history of the Popsicle.
  3. Whether it’s the Bomb Pop, the Firecracker, or any other kind of Ice Candy treat, the world loves these and they can be found in every culture and region. The best part is that they are versatile, simple to make, and inexpensive, thereby ensuring that people from all walks of life can enjoy them.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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