June 21 World Music Day #WorldMusicDay

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie and I both love music and Charlie has been introducing me to Gangsta Rap and introduced me to a song called Gangsta’s Paradise. This song has quickly become one of my favorite songs. June 21is World Music Day #WorldMusicDay I can’t wait to have Charlie listen to Eminem, Jelly Roll – Even Angels Cry because he doesn’t care for Jelly Roll but I believe if I an get Charlie to listen to his music it might change his mind.

Most of us have an innate understanding of music and even if we can’t play an instrument, or sing, somehow, we can connect with rhythms and melodies. Even plants understand music. Here is a question for you. Did you know Plants tend to grow faster after a generous helping of classical music? It’s true.

World Day of Music or Fête de la Musique, celebrated each year on June 21st, was first started in France but today highlights music’s universal appeal. World Day of Music is meant to make music more inclusive and encourage people of varying skill levels to interact a lot more with all types of tunes. World Day of Music is also an opportunity for musicians to build their presence and connect with their audience on social media.

From the oldest musical instrument in the world which was the Neanderthal Flute, made by Neanderthals 60,000 years ago to present-day electronic instruments, music has become a significant part of our daily lives. Other than being pleasant to listen to, music is a form of expression the right melody resonates with feelings better than words can, and music transcends borders. This is exactly what World Day of Music aims for bringing people together, and breaking barriers and boundaries through music.

World Day of Music initially started in France. When Maurice Fleuret became the Director of Music and Dance at the Ministry of Culture in October 1981, Maurice Fleuret applied his perspective on musical practice: “the music everywhere and the concert nowhere.” In a study written in 1982 on French cultural habits, Fleuret discovered that every one out of two people played a musical instrument. Inspired by this, Maurice Fleuret started thinking of a way to bring people together on the streets with music. This is how the first Day of Music, or ‘Fête de la Musique,’ took place in Paris in 1982. 

Fête de la Musique promoted music in two ways: by encouraging new and professional musicians to perform in the streets and by organizing free music concerts, covering all genres of music, so that the public could be exposed to new music. Under the slogan ‘Faites de la musique’ (‘Make music’), the official Fête de la Musique organization in Paris advocated for concerts to be made free to the public and that artists play free of charge. This was broadly applicable to other participating cities as well. 

Over the past few years, Fête de la Musique has gained international popularity, eventually being celebrated by more than 120 Countries around the world. Fête de la Musique evolved to finally become World Day of Music, World Music Day, or International Music Day.


  1. Today is a great day to learn an instrument and don’t worry everyone’s a beginner at some point. Even Paul Simon had to start somewhere. Use World Day of Music as an excuse to sign up for lessons. Or teach yourself and a good place to start is YouTube.
  2. Even if you can’t play a genuine instrument yet, grab some everyday household objects, the get together with your friends, and jam away. The music-making process can be therapeutic.
  3. Go out of your way to explore new genres of music today and put your Spotify subscription to good use and create a new playlist. If you have the opportunity visit your neighborhood record store (if you have one), and do some crate digging. You will be surprised at your discoveries.


  1. Frank Sinatra’s biggest hit, was adapted from a French song, ‘Comme d’habitude,’ which was composed, written, and sung by French people.
  2. ince World War II, Edith Piaf’s funeral is the only occasion to have completely stopped traffic in Paris.
  3. French are so proud of their music, and they had a special law enforced that requires at least 40% of the music on private radio stations to be of French origin.
  4. Jean Michel Jarre is the artist with the biggest-ever audience which included 3.5 million people who came to see him perform in Moscow in 1997.
  5. A vastly covered song ‘La Mer’ by Charles Trenet has been covered a total of 4,000 times, including one version by Cliff Richard.


  1. There are spontaneous music-related events in most Cities around the world. In Paris, for example, people can be seen dancing on the streets all night long. Celebrating the Summer Solstice which doesn’t get more fun than this!
  2. The idea behind World Day of Music is to encourage everybody to participate in music which is why lots of Cities organize free music events for all to enjoy.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates