June 21 Take Your Dog to Work Day #TakeYourDogToWorkDay and Ugliest Dog Day #UgliestDogDay

The Mommies Reviews

Dogs have always been a part of my lives and I’ve excited to let you know June 21st is Take Your Dog to Work Day #TakeYourDogToWorkDay & Ugliest Dog Day #UgliestDogDay. I don’t know about you but where a #Doggie family and in our home we have 3 dogs Pheobie who is my Rat Terrier, Bear Charlie’s Chi-Weenie and David’s rescue dog which I believe is apart Boxer and no, clue what else.

We had to re-home Annie. David had to let her live with David’s Uncle Don. Our Apartment said we could only have 2 dogs which is BS when we had her when we moved in. But the LORD knows what is best and know she is with Don and Booby David’s Aunt and Uncle and she is living in Springtown. Join me as we celebrate take Your Dogs to Work Day and Ugliest Dog Day.

If you have a Dog and you take your Dog to work today its a wonderful opportunity to bond with your pet while reducing not only your stress but your pets. Imagine how happy your pet will be when they get to spend the workday with you. Take your dog to work day is a day which will boost morale and create a fun atmosphere and increase productivity.

On take your dog to work day you can show off your pooches and share stories about and set up activates for them to do today. Remember before you bring your dog into work to check with your co-workers to make sure they are not afraid of dogs or have any allergies. Safety and comfort for everyone comes first before anything else.

On take your dog back to work it traces the origins back to the late 1990s in the United States. The concept for take your dog to work day was conceived by Pet Sitters Internationa (PSI), a professional pet-sitting organization, as a way to celebrate the cowmanship between dogs and there owner to promote pet adoption from pet shelters and to raise awareness about the benefits of having dogs in the workplace.

The inaugural Take Your Dog to Work Day took place in 1999, and this holiday quickly gained traction as more companies embraced the idea. What began as a local observance soon gained widespread recognition, with companies across various industries participating in the event thousands of years.

Dogs have been companions to humans for millennia. serving as hunters, protectors, and loyal friends. In many cultures, dogs hold a special place in folklore and mythology, symbolizing qualities like loyalty, bravery and companionship. The establishment of take Your Dog to Work Day was driven by several factors.

Firstly, it was a response to the increasing number of pet owners in the workforce who wanted to spend more time with their furry friends. Additionally, it aimed to promote a more relaxed and pet-friendly work environment, which had been linked to increased employee satisfaction, reduced stress, and improved morale.

Get ready to experience the fun on Take Your Dog to Work Day! and start by planning how you and your furry friends can participate in this pawsome day. Whether it’s dressing up, organizing dog-friendly activities, or simply enjoying their company at work, there are many ways to make Take Your Dog to Work Day special for both you and your pooch.

How PEOPLE Can Celebrate Take Your Dog to Work Day

  • Organize a “Paws and Productivity” workshop: Host a session where employees can bring their dogs to learn about pet care, training tips, and stress-relief techniques.
  • Create a doggy fashion show: Encourage coworkers to dress up their pups in themed costumes and parade them around the office for a fun and lighthearted competition.
  • Plan a dog-friendly outdoor excursion: Take advantage of the day by organizing a group hike, picnic, or visit to a dog-friendly park where both humans and canines can enjoy the fresh air and bonding time.
  • Set up a doggy photo booth: Create a designated area with props and backdrops where employees can take adorable photos with their furry companions to commemorate the day.
  • Host a “Yappy Hour” social: Arrange for a post-work gathering where coworkers can relax, mingle, and enjoy refreshments with their dogs in a pet-friendly environment.

How Businesses Can Celebrate Take Your Dog to Work Day

If you want to make Take Your Dog to Work Day a blast for your business then you should ready to explore innovative ways to celebrate National Take Your Dog to Work Day with your team. These actionable strategies will help you engage employees, attract customers, and infuse holiday cheer into your workplace.

  • Create a “Doggie Day Spa” experience: Partner with local groomers or pet spas to offer onsite grooming services for employees’ dogs, providing a pampering session that adds a touch of luxury to the workday.
  • Organize a charity dog walk: Host a sponsored dog walk or fun run around the company premises or nearby park, with proceeds going to a local animal shelter or rescue organization, fostering community engagement and corporate social responsibility.
  • Implement a “Bark Bucks” rewards program: Introduce a system where employees earn points or rewards for bringing their dogs to work, such as discounts on pet supplies, extra vacation days, or donations to their chosen animal charity, incentivizing participation and reinforcing the holiday’s spirit.
  • Host a pet talent show: Organize a talent show where employees’ dogs can showcase their unique skills, tricks, or performances, with prizes for categories like “Best Trick,” “Most Creative Costume,” or “Cutest Dog,” fostering camaraderie and friendly competition among coworkers.
  • Offer pet-friendly perks: Extend the celebration beyond Take Your Dog to Work Day by implementing ongoing pet-friendly policies, such as designated dog-friendly areas, pet insurance benefits, or flexible work arrangements for pet owners, demonstrating a commitment to employee well-being and work-life balance.

June 21 Ugliest Dog Day #UgliestDogDay

Ugliest Dog Day falls on June 20th celebrates the pups out there with a face only a mother could love. When it comes to man’s best friend, is there really any dog that can’t be deemed adorable? We honor the facially challenged ones on June 20th which is Ugliest Dog Day. What started as a fun contest has grown into an annual celebration of the not-so-handsome dogs amongst us. Grab your favorite pup and give him an extra snuggle today and as you go about your day, say hi to every pup, pretty and not so pretty.

The History of the Ugliest Day is no, matter how they look, the antics of dogs will always be cute. There are some really unphotogenic pets our there, but as they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This is why World’s Ugliest Dog Day is celebrated on June 20th every year to allow us to dress our doggies and to celebrate them. Dogs with facial deformities or less attractive features are in the spotlight today. It doesn’t matter if they loss fur or adorable faces, those puppy eyes will always get us.

The World’s Ugliest Dog contest is an annual contest held in Petaluma, California, as part of the Sonoma-Martin Fair, to decide which of the dogs entered the contest is the ugliest. The winner receives a trophy and the titles of “The World’s Ugliest Dog” and they receive 1,000 in prize money. Since 2017, the price money has increased to 1,600. Along with a free trip to New York City.

Throughout the years, many dogs have participated to claim the esteemed title of “The Worlds Ugliest Dog” with one breed, in particular winning the most titles. The Chinese Crested Breed a god I hadn’t heard of or seen before. Have you? Would you like to have a Chinese Crusted Dog and if so why?

Since the inception of the contest in the 1970, the most unsightly dog has been from this breed at least 22 times. With a hairless body and bulging eyes the breed is still loved and described by the American Kennel Club as an “ultra-affectionate companion Dog. “With social media full of content featuring cute fluffy animals with shares and likes stacked up, Ugliest Dog days recognizes the Not-So-Cute lot and makes owners beam with pride.

If you think your dog has what it takes to be the ugliest? Then keep up with tradition and participate in the World’s Ugliest Dog contest. Who knows? You may have a winner! Other traditions include celebrating your ugly pooch and showering them with love and affection! Show ugly dog off on social media and stand out in the sea of cute pictures of cats and dogs. Share the beauty of breeds and encourage others to adopt an ugly dog of their own!


  1. In the days leading up to Ugliest Dog Day, snap pictures of any and every dog you see. Put together a slide show of your neighborhood’s dogs, out and about, enjoying their doggie lives. Share on social media and invite friends to upload photos of their dogs too.
  2. At school or work, you can help dogs that don’t have the luxury of a loving home by hosting a fundraiser and collecting pet supplies to donate to your local animal shelter.
  3. Also consider becoming a volunteer or dog foster parent. 
  4. It doesn’t matter if your dog is ugly or adorable, celebrate the dog in your and your friends’ lives through a dog fashion show, obstacle course race or best trick competition, and use June 20th to have a pet party and show off your dog.


  1. Did you know your dog is as smart as a 2-year-old
  2. Dogs only have sweat glands in their paws
  3. Puppies are born deaf; and they start hearing around three weeks
  4. Contrary to popular belief, dogs are not colorblind
  5. According to a poll, about 45% of Americans sleep with their dogs


  1. Dogs are loving, loyal creatures and they don’t care how their humans look, so why should we care about their perhaps less than perfect features?
  2. Unfortunately, dogs that may be considered not so cute often have a harder time being adopted. Remember your local pet shelter on Ugliest Dog Day with a donation of money or pet supplies.
  3. Cute and cuddly or unappealing and smelly, dog owners aren’t bothered and truly believe their dog is the best ever. Show-off your dog and give Fido some extra loving today with a day devoted just to the two of you.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates