June 20 National Hike with a Geek Day #HikeWithAGeekDay

The Mommies Reviews

I have a question for you this evening. Did you know June 20th is National Hike with a Geek Day #HikeWithAGeekDay? Trust me I would never call those I love names especially not a #geek but at times Charlie could be referred to a geek in a nice way. Charlie only wants to stay inside mostly in his room.

All Charlie wants to do most of the time is play in his game system and he spends lots of money on games when there is better things to do. All I can say is I’m a mom and I don’t know anything. I’ve trying to go back on my diet and I need to walk daily and even though Charlie will walk to his grandmother’s or outside with his friend Braadley even though Charlie used to walk with me he will not know and that is driving me crazy.

I wish David was home this evening because he has been walking with me and together me might have been able to get Charlie out of the house and to the Mall or the park to celebrate National Hike With A Geek Day but he is working a double and of course Charlie is sleeping. Would you like to go walking with me and then we can stop for a beverage and celebrate National Hike With A Geek Day together?

National Hike with a Geek Day is celebrated every year on June 20th. The purpose of National Hike with a Geek Day is to promote healthy activity in people who otherwise work in sedentary jobs throughout the year, including I.T. professionals, accountants, and so may more.. Even going on a hiking trip once a year can encourage people to do physical activity and exercise as part of their daily routine.


Did you know the first National Hike with a Geek Day was celebrated as a result of the efforts of Mendel Kurland and his organization, Hiking with Geeks, which he founded in 2016. Today, Hiking with Geeks has been rebranded to Geek Adventures and it mainly offers new ways to provide adventures as a means of digital detoxification.

The basic philosophy behind celebrating National Hike with a Geek Day is that people who work in solitary roles, spend long hours working on a computer rather than interacting with people and they need some kind of opportunity to meet other people and connect with them emotionally and psychologically. Hence the need for marking a special day when ‘geeks’ could spend time outdoors with others of the same tribe. National Hike with a Geek Day is widely celebrated across the United States with a growing membership.


  1. As with most tech professionals, you probably haven’t had enough exposure to the natural beauty of your area. Use National Hike with a Geek Day to identify a hiking trail near your City and make a plan to join a hiking group. National Hike with a Geek Day can be a great way to meet new people and have conversations that are not work-related or peppered with technical jargon. Just enjoy the beautiful outdoors and learn about the natural beauty that your Country has to offer.
  2. You can start by joining a hiking group as a regular member and remember you don’t have to attend every meeting but just being part of a new group can help you to explore a different side of your personality. Browse the internet for your local hiking or trekking groups and read their terms and conditions, fees, etc. then join the hiking group that best aligns with your work and family schedule.
  3. Thousands crave to go on an exciting hiking trip but cannot take out the time. You will be doing them a great favor by making a vlog of your hiking trip and sharing it on the internet. You will be amazed at how many people will envy you for the great time you had exploring natural surroundings and being away from the daily grind.


  1. According to a 2018 report, more than 60% of Americans enjoy participating in outdoor sports.
  2. Did you know running is the most popular outdoor sport among Americans, followed by biking and camping.
  3. During the COVID-19 pandemic, glamping or glamorous camping became a highly preferred outdoor activity.
  4. Gardening is highly recommended by doctors for improving mental health and sleep patterns.
  5. An adult burns more than 11 calories a minute while running.


  1. The act of leaving work for a day or two can be quite stress-relieving for many tech professionals. When you add to this the natural outdoors that is free of pollution, noise, and crowds, the effect on your mind is simply unimaginable. National Hike with a Geek Day can help you to refresh your mind and return to work with a positive attitude.
  2. Hiking is a social activity and is a great opportunity to meet like-minded people. You can end up meeting new people from your own City, as well as people who have traveled from different parts of the Country to take part in the hike. Making new friends can be very healthy for you emotionally as well as psychologically.
  3. All the time that you spend hiking, you take in loads of clean Oxygen, exercise your limbs, build your stamina and eat fresh food. All of this is excellent for improving your health and ease the negative effects of leading a sedentary life in the office or at your home workstation. and can even help you lose weight. Which would be a Godsend for me.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates