June 20 American Eagle Day #NationalAmericanEagleDay

The Mommies Reviews

June 20th is American Eagle Day #NationalAmericanEagleDay and American Eagle Day is one Holiday David is going to be so excited to check out because the Bald Eagle is David’s favorite animal. How about you What do you think about the Bald Eagle and why? Would you like to visit a Nature Reserve or the Zoo with me and we can see if the have Bald Eagles we can see in person.

Today is the day to celebrate the United States’ National symbol on American Eagle Day! On June 20th, which we set aside time to raise awareness about the Bald Eagle and to preserve the Bird’s natural habitat. American Eagle Day is meant to educate others about the Birds’ importance, and to explore ways we can ensure that the Eagles continue to thrive for decades to come.

In the 1950s, the Bald Eagle was at serious risk of becoming extinct. Loss of the Bald Eagles natural habitat, hunting, and the use of pesticides that damaged their Eggs made caused the population to massively decline. The Eagle was classified as endangered in the U.S. in 1967. The Eagle went on to become a prime success story of the Endangered Species Act.

The Bald Ragle began to repopulate and thrive, and in 1995, the Bald Eagle was moved from the national endangered species list to the national list of threatened species. A major improvement! As of 2007, the Bald Eagle is no longer considered threatened and has a healthy population level. Thank the LORD.

National American Eagle Day was launched by the American Eagle Foundation, a Tennessee organization focused on protecting Bald Eagles and their fellow Birds of prey. Bald Eagles like to live near large bodies of Water, as they mostly eat Fish, and are known for their beauty and grace when they soar through the air. Eagles have been known as treasured symbols of the United States since the 1700s.


Bald Eagles are powerful Birds of prey indigenous to America. bald Eagle symbolize strength, determination, and honor. In ancient times that is, even before the European conquest Bald Eagles roamed the great blue skies, witnessing the rise and fall of empires. On June 20th, 1782, the Second Continental Congress selected Bald Eagles as the national symbol of the United States. Back then, bald Eagles did not have any threats, either from land or from the skies. More than 100,000 nesting pairs were dominating the U.S. skies during that era. But the story changed for Bald Eagles in the 19th Century.

Poisoning from pesticides, illegal shooting, habitat destruction, lead poisoning, birth defects, etc., resulted in a rapid decline of the Eagle population. In 1940, Congress passed the Bald Eagle Protection Act, which provided some protection for the Birds. The law prohibited selling, owning, or killing Bald Eagles.

But the population continued to decline, so much so that Bald Eagles were listed as endangered species by 1967. The main culprit was D.D.T., a pesticide used for eradicating Mosquitoes and other pests. The chemical reached Water bodies and Fish on which Bald Eagles preyed. The D.D.T. interacted with the calcium secreting mechanism of the Bald Eagle and softened the Eggshells. The result was soft Eggs that failed to hatch or break under the weight of the incubating mother.

Rachel Carson mentioned in her book “The Silent Spring” the adverse effect of D.D.T. on the Ecosystem. As a result, the U.S. banned the use of D.D.T., and this paved the way for the return of Bald Eagles to the American Skies one more time. Fast forward to the present day, thanks to the vigorous conservation efforts, Bald Eagles are thriving with a population of over 300,000. Today we are celebrating Bald Eagle Appreciation Day to understand the Bald Eagle and spread awareness about its importance to the ecosystem and American culture.

How To Observe American Eagle Day:

  1. he D.C. Eagle Cam is a live stream that allows anyone in the world to take a peak into the lives of two Bald Eagles living in the U.S. National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. A video camera fixed on the Eagles’ nest offers snapshots of their lives.
  2. Bald Eagle Appreciation Day isn’t much of a celebration without actually seeing a Bald Eagle? I would suggest you take your binoculars and get ready to hike. Research the possible locations where you can see Bald Eagles which are common these days and viist one or two of the places.
  3. . Bring your family and friends for the trip, and educate them about the importance of Bald Eagles. If your local Zoo is home to Bald Eagles, National American Eagle Day is the perfect time to pay a visit and watch them in action. The San Diego Zoo, the National Zoo, an the Saint Louis Zoo all house Bald Eagles and there’s a good chance that a Zoo in your area does the same.
  4. Bald Eagles may be protected from hunting and other human activities, but Bald Eagles are not safe from everything. Fishing lines, wind turbines, power lines, nets, chemical poisoning, vehicle accidents, etc., could cause problems for bald Eagles. Spend a day with any N.G.O. or work solo to clear the land of trash that could harm the Bald Eagles.
  5. Be a part of the conservation efforts. Seek out local preservation groups in your area and offer to lend a hand. Whether you assist a charity that advocates for Bald Eagles, or an organization that is focused on other species that are still endangered, your help can make a difference! Check out the American Eagle Foundation to get started.

Facts about the Bald Eagle:

  1. Bad Eagles are not “bald” which comes from an old usage that used to mean “white-headed”.
  2. One pair of Bald Eagles in Florida built a whopping 20-foot deep and 9.5-foot wide nest that weighed over two tons.
  3. Bald Eagles can see longer and wider than humans, and they can even see in the ultraviolet spectrum.
  4. Bald Eagles can fly at a height of 10,00 feet, and they can avoid rain and storms by actually flying above the Clouds.


  1. Bald Eagles have one of the most successful conservation stories and Bald Eagles have recovered from the brink of extinction and are now thriving across the United States. From a few hundred to over a few thousand over a few decades, Bald Eagles are a symbol of the power of American Wildlife Conservation efforts.
  2. Most Americans recognize the image of the Bald Eagle right away, but few of us know much about how the bald Eagles live or what role they play in our natural ecosystem.
  3. The American Bald Eagle is the only Eagle unique to North America, and these Eagles can be found all over the Continent, from Alaska to Northern Mexico.
  4. Bald Eagles are also one of the largest Birds in North America, with a wingspan of 80 inches, and build massive nests that are 5 to 6 feet in diameter.
  5. Bald Eagles are champions of endangered species. Not too long ago, the future of the Bald Eagle seemed dire. Thanks to the hard work of Conservationists, and the Birds’ classification as endangered species, anxiety over their extinction is a thing of the past. It’s a great reminder that with awareness and determination, we can save endangered species who need protection. Perhaps Black Rhinos, Bengal Tigers, and other endangered species can have similar success stories someday.
  6. Bald Eagles are apex predators, and they soar at the top of the food chain in their ecosystem. Their presence can help maintain the strength of their prey population and maintain the balance of the Ecosystem. Awareness of Bald Eagles importance can help spread awareness about the value of Bald Eagles and help boost conservation efforts.
  7. The Bald Eagle was named the National Emblem of the United States in 1782, and the Bald Eagles image is used throughout the Country as a symbol of this great nation. The image of the Bald Eagle can be found on gold coins, the silver dollar, the half dollar, and the quarter, plus on the Great Seal of the United States.
  8. According to John F. Kennedy, “”The founding fathers made an appropriate choice when they selected the Bald Eagle as the emblem of the Nation . The fierce beauty and proud independence of the Bald Eagle aptly symbolizes the strength and freedom of America.”

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates