June 19 National Martini Day #NationalMartiniDay

The Mommies Reviews

Daivd is off this evening and even though we go out to dinner a lot it’s been a while since we’ve actually done a date night without a phone. With today being June 19th which is National Martini Day #NationalMartiniDay I think I will ask David out on a Date. David and can go to Applebee’s for dinner and a drink.

I’m sorry but this time I’m not going to ask you to come with us because David and I need some one-on-one time to talk about how things will be changing now that Charlie has graduated from High School and getting his own job. Is there another recipes that makes a good Martini and be a fun date-nite dinner?

I would like to ask you a question do you prefer your Martini dry, dirty, shaken, or not stirred? That’s the question everyone will be asking on National Martini Day, a special occasion to enjoy our favorite version of the classic Martini Cocktail. Did you know the Martini was originally called “The Martinez,” named after the California Gold Rush for the town of Martinez, where it was invented. Early Martinis were made with Wine, Gin, and an Olive. But since have expanded to many exciting flavors! On June 19th take a moment to relax while sipping on a new type of Martini after your long day and start feeling like the international spy of mystery that you are.


  1. If you haven’t made your self a Martini at home ever then today is the day to make yourself a classic Martini.
  2. If your not sure what flavor or Martini to prepare here is some suggestions Espresso Martini, Gin Martini, Cranberry Martini, Lemon Martini, or a Grapefruit Martini because the possibilities are endless.
  3. Take the time today and text your friends for an after work meet-up. Bonus points if you can find a Cocktail Bar with a piano and a lounge singer, because the only thing that makes drinking a Martini better, is drinking it in the proper lounge setting.
  4. If you need a mixer set to get started in your mixology adventure then today is the day to purchase one and the Cocktails ingredients to purchase a Martini and bring them over to a friends house. In reality, the enjoyment of drinking Cocktails is truly about the company you keep.


  1. If you’re not a Fin fan you might have trouble enjoying a Martini, but if you do like Gin, the Martini is the essential drink to highlight the flavor of Juniper Berries and complement it with new and interesting flavors including Grapefruit or Espresso.
  2. Martinis are easy to make and you only need eight things on hand to make a perfect Martini: Ice, a martini glass, a shot glass, a shaker, a strainer, Vermouth, Gin, and Garnish.
  3. Martinis conjure up all sorts of images of high class ladies, James bond spies and adventure. You can take advantage of this and have a Martini party or outing themed specifically towards the fun that automatically arrives when you order a Martini.

Recipe for Martini


  • 3 1/2 oz. gin or vodka
  • 1/2 oz. dry vermouth
  • Olives or lemon twist, for garnish


  • Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
  • Add the gin or vodka and vermouth and stir for 30 seconds or shake vigorously for 10 seconds
  • . Strain into a chilled martini glass.
  • Garnish with olives or a lemon twist.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates