June 19 National Garfield the Cat Day #GarfieldTheCatDay

The Mommies Reviews

June 19th is National Garfield the Cat Day #GarfieldTheCatDay and I can’t wait to let my Auth Susane know because just like Charlie she loves Garfield. Charlie hasn’t been wanting to attend movies at all because he has decided he doesn’t like them. I let Charlie know I was going to see Garfield the Movie last week and Charlie decided to go with me.

Charlie even took his best friend Bradley and David with us. To celebrate today Charlie and I plan on going to Walmart to pick up some Garfield DVD’s if they have any and for dinner were going to have Lasagna Would you like to join us for dinner? If so find you a Garfield T-shirt to wear because that is what Charlie and I will be wearing tonight.

Garfield is witty, he’s sassy, he’s blunt, he’s saucy and he’s, well, Garfield. On June 19th, National Garfield the Cat Day celebrates the world’s most opinionated and loveable Feline. With insights ranging from global politics to his infatuation with Lasagna, Jim Davis’s lovable Tabby Cat has endeared himself to audiences of all ages around the world. Enjoy a few candid one-liners and some heartfelt laughs on this warm Summer day, and leave admitting that, deep down, we all want to know what our Pets really think about us.


  1. Today is the perfect day to learn to write and draw like the legendary Jim Davis and with sketch artists to aid in your quest for comedic brilliance, explore the comic strip world and bring your own ideas and characters to life.
  2. How well do you know Garfield’s favorite dish? Ricotta, Sausage, Squash and Doritos?! Throw on a blindfold and delve into the depths of Garfield’s psyche as you try and decipher the plethora of ingredients that make our tabby Cat’s mouth water.
  3. Mondays – what a day indeed. Can you come up with the best, worst thing about that detestable day? Have no fear, you’re in a safe place. We are all on the same side here. Let’s see who can articulate their “fondest” memory about the wretched day, and earn Garfield’s eternal praise.


  1. Did you know ancient Egyptians considered Cats, or “Mau,” to be sacred, and domesticated Cats became known as symbols of grace and poise. If you know Garfield, then you know, without an ounce of doubt, he unequivocally agrees.
  2. An opinion is a belief regarding something, whereas a perception is how we see that belief relate to other things. Is there a difference? Ask Garfield – he’ll give you his opinion, or rather, his perspective…well, one way or another, he’ll give you plenty to think about.
  3. Enjoying a good laugh is for everyone and laughter relieves stress, lowers blood pressure, and fires up your immune system. What better way to stay healthy than to explore Garfield’s antics on anything and everything, laughing all the way?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates