June 15 Nature Photography Day #NaturePhotographyDay

The Mommies Reviews

June 15 Nature Photography Day #NaturePhotographyDay

We celebrate Nature Photography Day on June 15th to learn more about Nature and enjoy capturing Nature at its very best over the warm Summer months. Nature is all around us, and you can take part wherever you are, with whatever equipment. Whether you’re a professional photographer, or you’ve never captured Nature before, it’s time to get started.

Nature has been something to celebrate since the beginning of time! But before the invention of the camera, Nature enthusiasts had to document what they observed very differently.  One of the earliest and most significant accounts of natural history was Pliny the Younger’s account of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius that engulfed the Ancient Roman town of Pompeii in 79 A.D. Two letters penned by Pliny are the only surviving eyewitness accounts of what happened that day and formed important evidence in the study of natural history as well as ancient civilizations.

Early naturalists mainly documented nature for its medicinal purposes, with varying levels of accuracy! There were numerous beliefs in the healing properties of plants and natural cures, some true and some mere superstitious. Nevertheless, naturalists recorded their recipes and documented the properties of plants throughout the Medieval period. And during the Renaissance, their understanding of nature began to improve gradually.

A major breakthrough came in the 1800s when naturalist and scientist Charles Darwin published the landmark text “On the Origin of Species,” outlining his theories of evolution and the evidence he had collected to support them. It was a controversial work due to its contradiction of the Bible’s creation story, and because he argued that man had descended from apes, which many people were uncomfortable with. Around the same time, scientists were developing the camera, which Darwin put to use as part of his studies. 

Darwin’s work was the start of great leaps in our understanding of nature, and the foundation of natural history. The North American Nature Photography Association created Nature Photography Day in 2006 to encourage people to learn about and enjoy capturing the beauty of nature.

Let’s Celebrate Nature Photography Day:

Grab your friends and family and go outside and take photographs no, matter where you are because nature is everywhere. It’s up to you whether you take a quick picture on your phone or spend the day seeking out the perfect composition.

Grab your family and let’s do a quick craft and make a pinhole camera with just a sheet of paper and Aluminum Foil and then you and your family can understand the basics of the incredible technology we use every day.

Look at pictures from Nature and take time to go online or to a Art Gallery or find a book with photographs of nature.

It’s easy to learn why we love Nature Photography Day and it’s easy to take a photography of nature where you are using Cameras and you will end up a amazing photograph to treasure.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates