June 14 International Bath Day #InternationalBathDay

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie and I were excited to find out June 14th is International Bath Day #InternationalBathDay. Although now, that were in our Townhome neither of us like taking baths here because the tub is too shallow and for me it’s hard to get in and out of our tub. I wish we were still in our Mobile Home because there we had a Garden Tub.

Charlie and I could have almost swam in and even though it was high off the ground and hard for me to get inside and out sometimes there was plenty of room for me to move around in and I didn’t feel like I was going to get stuck and need the Fireman to come and help me out of the tub which is how I feel with the tub here. Isn’t that crazy? How about you. Shower or bath and why?

If you have been looking for a reason to draw yourself a bath, International Bath Day, on June 14th, is the perfect opportunity! We all crave a long, hot soak in the bath after a busy day. Taking a bath is the easiest way to relax and a great way to enjoy your own company. International Bath Day is a very popular day for everyone to indulge in a bath. Actually, International Bath Day is less about enjoying a long bath and more about rewarding yourself with the simple pleasures of self-love by doing something that’s just for yourself.

Did you know it was on June 14th that the Greek mathematician, scientist, and scholar Archimedes discovered that an object’s volume could be accurately measured by being submerged in water while he was in a bath! Eager to share his excitement over this discovery, Archimedes jumped out of the bathtub and yelled “Eureka, eureka!” as he ran through the streets of Syracuse. While not all of us are geniuses, International Bath Day is also an ideal day for encouraging learning and discovery in children. Bath toys can be incorporated during bath time to teach children about the basic workings of the universe.

Today, we are used to comfortable bathrooms with showers, tubs, and pressure-controlled water flow. But, not very long ago, bathing used to be quite an uncomfortable experience. For example, in 19thCentury England, a bath was simply a large cold metal container placed in front of a fireplace — without any plumbing.

And, in other parts of the world, people had to take a dip in a nearby pond or river when they wanted to clean themselves, braving cold weather conditions and other health hazards. Even as we enjoy comfortable baths in temperature-controlled water, it’s essential to remember that there are many people in the world without any access to clean and potable water. So even though it’s alright to enjoy a luxurious bath every once in a while, we must remember to never waste water.


  1. Handcrafted and organic soaps are all the rage now if you have the opportunity find a recipe online to make yourself soaps in your favorite fragrance.
  2. You can purchase essential oils, bath salts, and bubble baths for yourself and don’t forget to treat the little ones to bath toys and bath bombs. Splurge on anything that makes bathing a more pleasurable experience.
  3. If you have the opportunity to indulge in a hot, luxurious bath on International Bath Day and put on your favorite music and enjoy a glass of Wine in the tub while you are at it!


  1. It is believed that the average person goes to the toilet 2,500 times a year.
  2. Did you know about 75% of us take our smartphones to the toilet and about seven million phones fall into the loo every year.
  3. Mr. Toilet House is a museum dedicated to toilets in Suwon, South Korea.
  4. Americans use up to 433 million miles of toilet paper every year.
  5. A toilet uses 26 liters of water every time we flush.


  1. Quick showers in a haste are what we have to make do with every day but International Bath Day encourages us to relax and take a moment’s pause.
  2. You don’t have to spend a lot or do something extravagant in order to relax because a long bath is often the perfect way to loosen up after a busy day.
  3. INTERNATIONAL BATH DAY reminds us of the simple joys of life.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates