June 10 National Herbs and Spices Day #HerbsAndSpicesDay

The Mommies Reviews

June 10 National Herbs and Spices Day #HerbsAndSpicesDay and now that I’ve gotten my flower garden done until we get the back patio cleaned off I’ve been thinking or starting a Cactus Garden for the upstairs balcony and when I purchase the Cactus I think I will also look for some Herbs and Spices Seeds to create a small kitchen garden to set in my windowsill. Would you like to go with me to the Garden Store to look for plants to celebrate #HerbsAndSpicesDay?

National Herbs and Spices Day falls on June 10th every year, National Herbs And Spices Day celebrates the world of diversity when it comes to these plants, which nevertheless pack a punch! After all, what would food even be if it weren’t for the herbs and spices that make every dish unique? Since herbs and spices are cooking essentials it makes complete sense that they are given a day of recognition for their contribution to mankind and its culinary journeys thus far.

Furthermore, the great thing about many herbs is that they can be freshly grown in your own garden patch or on your kitchen sill, and what can be better than eating your own homegrown produce? There are just so many ways in which herbs and spices make all our lives better, so join us as celebrate them.

Though very little is known about how NATIONAL HERBS AND SPICES DAY came into being, but National Herbs and Spices Days has been officially observed from the year 2015 onwards. Not only are herbs and spices of utmost importance in the kitchen, many of herbs have strong medicinal value, too, which is why such a day may have come into being. Before the words ‘national’ and ‘spices’ were added in 2015, the oldest reference to this holiday was ‘Herb Day’ in 1999.

One of the earliest fans of spices and herbs was Emperor Charlemagne 742–814 A.D.. Emperor Charlemagne apparently felt so passionately about them that he put together a list of 74 different herbs and had them planted in his gardens. Don’t just take our word for it though, see what Emperor Charlemagne himself had to say:

“Herbs are the friends of physicians and the praise of cooks.” By the Middle Ages, the use of herbs and spices in both cooking and medication became common. Books like “The Forme of Cury” (“The Method of Cooking”) began to emerge, which promoted the use of herbs extensively. Modern-day allopathy also has its roots in the mixing of various herbs and medicinal plants to cure common ailments.

If we even look at pop culture today, some of the most popular music groups’ names have been inspired by herbs and spices including The Red Hot Chili Peppers and The Spice Girls, to name a few. Whatever the origin, we’re glad herbs get the recognition they so richly deserve, as we cannot imagine a life without herbs and spices.


  1. You probably guessed starting your own herb garden would be top of the list. Not only are homegrown herbs easy to grow and no green thumb is required they ensure that your food has the freshest of herbs always.
  2. Growing something is always good for the environment/
  3. Boost both your knowledge and your health by looking up the numerous health benefits of herbs and spices, and then try to incorporate some into your diet.
  4. Teas are a beneficial and delicious way to explore different spice and herb combinations.
  5. We’re sure you have not tried all the food there is, so why not use National herbs And Spices Day as an opportunity to try out a totally new cuisine. Complete with all the herbs and spices unique to that cuisine. Whether you decide to go the home-chef route or visit an authentic restaurant, we guarantee your culinary journey will be all the richer because of it.


  1. Ancient Romans believed that wearing or bathing in Thyme would protect them from being poisoned.
  2. In Renaissance Europe, people believed that lavender would suffice to keep them smelling nice, instead of bathing.
  3. A symbol of marriage and fertility, if a girl put rosemary under her pillow, she would dream of her future husband.
  4. During the Black Death, people believed that nutmeg would grant them immunity to the plague.
  5. Due to its numbing properties, people believed that chewing Tarragon could cure toothaches.


  1. Ts if we even need to give you a reason to don that apron and start experimenting! Just a little bit of research can make you want to update your spice rack and play around with different flavors.
  2. Spices are not limited to cooking, but herbs and spices have many medicinal qualities that can help treat minor ailments. The best part is that these are all-natural remedies, and contribute largely to the homeopathic industry now.
  3. Whoever said ‘variety is the spice of life’ was spot on. The sheer variety of herbs and spices around the world makes us want to celebrate every cuisine and culture, as spices and herbs are a common denominator in food anywhere.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates