July 30 Father-In-Law Day #FatherInLawDay

The Mommies Reviews

Today is July 30th which is Father-In-Law Day #FatherInLawDay. I would like to ask you to PRAY for my father in law David today he is in the Hospital and the doctors believe he has Pneumonia but there not sure if it is or its something else. David Sr. might be David’s dad and Charlie’s grandpa but he has been more of a dad to me at times than my own dad was.

David Sr. stood up to his mom for me and asked her to leave his home when she was being rude to me even though she wasn’t trying to be. It was just the way she was raised and didn’t realize what she was saying would hurt me. I never had anyone do that for me before and can never thank him enough for all he has done for Charlie and I.

Parents bring you into the world, giving you life and raising you to be the person you are. They also do that for your spouse, the person of your dreams. Fathers play a truly unique role in that experience.  That’s why we celebrate National Father-in-Law Day every July 30th.  Although there are plenty of ways to celebrate your Dad-in-Law, the best way is simply to let him know you care.

National Father-in-Law Day Activities

  1. Back in the day, it was unusual to find a card written specifically for fathers-in-law. That’s changed. Today you can select lots of cards with father-in-law messages from the heart. Or, make your own card or write a letter telling him how much you appreciate him!
  2. On National Father-in-Law Day, hang out with your father-in-law. Treat him to dinner, a ball game or a fishing trip. Share a game of cards or a chess match. Take in a movie or keep things simple by watching a football game or even the Tour de France. The operative idea is to do something together.
  3. Being together with anyone to show that you care is a gesture like no other. There’s a lot to gain when you share time and talk with your father-in-law — the guy who raised the person you love most.

Famous People With Famous Fathers-In-Law

  1. Thomas Mann, father-in-law of W.H. Auden married German writer, Erika Mann, to get her a British passport so she could flee from Nazi Germany.
  2. Jerome Kern, father-in-law of Artie Shawa big-band leader, Shaw, was married to pioneering composer, Kern’s, daughter.
  3. Cecil B. De Mille, father-in-law of Anthony Quinn “Zorba the Greek” actor, Quinn, was married to De Mille’s adopted daughter, Katherine, for 38 years.
  4. Red Foley, father-in-law of Pat Boone the singer, Boone, married Country Music Hall of Famer, Reed Foley’s, daughter, Shirley.
  5. Kirk Douglas, father-in-law of Catherine Zeta-Jones the Actress, Zeta-Jones, married Kirk’s son, Michael, in 2000.

Why People Love National Father-in-Law Day

  1. As someone who’s experienced life and its tough times, your father-in-law is someone to be cherished. Value the time you spend together even if there are occasional bumps in the road. After all, every relationship has its challenges but they can easily be overcome with love.
  2. The person you love and care for the most was raised by someone who instinctively loved and cared for them. Celebrating the role your father-in-law played in your spouse’s life is a beautiful way to deepen the bond with your husband or wife.
  3. As humans, we have a lot to share with each other. On National Father-in-Law Day, it’s possible that even if you don’t always see eye-to-eye with your father-in-law, you can acknowledge the family bonds you both share. National Father-in-Law Day shows that your relationship can be a potential source of wisdom and inspiration.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates