July 26th, 2024 National Aunt And Uncle Day

The Mommies Reviews

I was so excited to find out July 26th is, 2024 National Aunt And Uncle Day. I was blessed with the best Aunts and Uncles through my dad’s family and before you ask what about your mom. My mom didn’t have any siblings so she didn’t give us Aunts or Uncles but my dads made up for that. was blessed with my Aunt Sue who was more like a mom to me. My Uncle Chuck and my Uncle John.

Charlie also has wonderful Aunts and Uncles especially his Great Aunt Sue, Uncle Chuck who was Suzzane’s favorite person and Uncle John. Along with my sister Debbie and my brother Gerald. As well as David’s brother Mike and Bo who we don’t get to see enough of. As for Aunts on David’s side he only has Bo’s wife Sandy who he doesn’t know and his Aunt Lynn who is sick and in a home and is divorced from Mike so again he doesn’t get to see much of her. Family is everything

. I you or your children have Aunts and Uncles make sure and tell them how much you appreciate them. Send them a card to remind them of your love but more than that stop by for a visit or call them because I’m sure they would like to hear from you and it you can bring your family to see them. I wish we had a car this morning then we could go see my brother and my Aunt Sue but that is out today although we will be seeing my sister Debbie this afternoon.

National Aunt and Uncle Day is celebrated every year on July 26th. Our aunts and uncles are unique parts of our family; they can be like a second set of parents, or great friends you happen to be related to. Often, Aunts and Uncles have watched us grow up. Our Aunts and Uncles are full of stories about things we did in our youth we might not even remember. July is a great month for a cookout, or outdoor activities. Call up your aunts and uncles and ask them to come out and celebrate National Aunt and Uncle Day 2024 and there their special place in your life.

It’s unclear exactly when National Aunt and Uncle Day was started, but it’s safe to say people have been celebrating their parent’s siblings for a long time. Did you know the word aunt is derived from the French word for the same familial relation, tante. Uncle is also derived from a French word — Oncle. Both of these words start even further back in history, stemming from the Latin words Amita and Avunculus respectively.

Aunts and uncles have different roles in many human societies. For example, in the Ashanti tribe of Ghana, aunts and uncles are given free reign to discipline and raise their siblings’ children. They’re essentially a second set of parents, who you real parents trust the most because, well, they were raised together.

In many Polynesian cultures, anyone older than you may be addressed as aunt or uncle as a term of respect and endearment. Aunts and uncles also occupy a place of importance in modern pop culture, with many famous examples across television, literature, and film. Often, these characters, such as Uncle Phil from The Fresh Prince, act as parental figures for their niece, nephews, and their own children, signifying their position as wise and trusted members of the family.


Most people have numerous aunts and uncles, and most of us have our favorite aunt and uncle. The aunt who has always given us a haircut or supported our rash decisions and tried explaining it to our mothers, and the cool, laid-back uncle who always has great stories to tell and who would give us money every time we see him. National Aunt and Uncle Day honors these extended family members.

Traditions for the day are different for everyone, depending on the nature of your relationship with your aunts and uncles. If you have the opportunity spend the day with your favorite aunt or uncle, and maybe have your parents join in on it as well. Family dinners are also common, which of course, usually end with a ‘hilarious’ joke from our uncles. 


  1. Spending quality time with your aunts and uncles might seem obvious, but what better way is there to celebrate your extended family than by spending time with them?
  2. Dust off an old photo album and flip through it with your aunts and uncles. Find pictures of them and your parents as kids, and have them tell you the stories that go with them.
  3. Your aunts and uncles might have better insight into your family history than you; after all, they’ve been around longer. Asking them to help you flesh out a family tree will be fun, and educational. If Chalie and I were still Homeschooling full time we would have done this in our genealogy class which we need to finish. Would you like to join us and make your own Family Tree?


  1. Talk about a “great” aunt Susannah Jones, was an American woman who lived to be 116 years old, Susannah Jones had over 100 nieces and nephews at the time of her death.
  2. An uncle you can’t refuse would be Francis Ford Coppola, director of The Godfather, is actor Nicholas Cage’s uncle.
  3. “I want you ”Uncle Sam, who is the personification of the United States, is named for Samuel Wilson, a man from New York upon whom his appearance is also based.
  4. You’re moving with your auntie and uncle is the theme song to The Fresh Prince of Bel Aire and did you know the first season of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air premiered in 1990? Did you watch this show because I did and now Charlie and I watch the reruns. Charlie thinks this show is hilarious and so do I. How about you?
  5. The Quaker Oats Company originally based their Aunt Jemima logo off of a minstrel show.


  1. Today’s world is busy and distracted and it’s easy to forget to check in with family if you  don’t see them every day. Make a point of getting in touch to celebrate National Aunt and Uncle Day!
  2. Taking the time to have a great day with your family is never something you’ll regret. Use today to have great times that you’ll always remember.
  3. Aunts and uncles are full of stories and family history. By spending the day with them, you’ll probably learn some new and fun information about your family

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates