July 21: National Junk Food Day – #nationaljunkfoodday

The Mommies Reviews

July 21st: is National Junk Food Day – #nationaljunkfoodday. For most people National Junk Food Day is one #Holiday they will be excited to celebrate. Everyone will be able to eat there favorite food and today calories go out the window and don’t worry about fixing a healthy dinner. Fried foods is what everyone should have for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

If I had my choice today I think I would go to Sonic and get a order of Chilie Cheese Fries. David would like to have a Meat Lovers Pizza from Mama’s Pizza and Charlie would want Chicken Strips from Cannes because Chick Fil A is closed on Sundays. What would you like to have on National Junk Food Day and why?

If you’ve ever wished for a day where you can eat absolutely anything you want? Then you’ve been looking for National Junk Food Day. National Junk Food Day is celebrated every year on July 21st. National Junk Food Day is dedicated to the foods we like to snack on, this isn’t your average cheat day.

Today, you can eat junk food Junk Foods are also high in deliciousness! Junk food day is the perfect day to treat yourself. On National Junk Food Day, you’re allowed your favorite junk foods without any guilt. Go ahead and add extra Cheese on that Hamburger and go for that order of large Fries. Don’t forget the dessert because today its okay to splurge..


  1. To celebrate National Junk Food Day you should eat your favorite junk food which is the easiest and most fun way to participate in National Junk Food Day. Craving Potato Chips? Pie? Or French Fries? Pick whatever your heart desires and chow down. Don’t forget to invite your friends and family to celebrate #nationaljunkfoodday.
  2. Junk Food Day is the perfect time to indulge and brag about Junk Food at the same time. Take a picture of the junk food you had for lunch and Instagram them. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #NationalJunkFoodDay
  3. The only thing that’s better than getting to eat junk food is getting to eat it with your friends. Invite friends and family over for a junk food potluck party. No green leafy foods allowed, just everyone’s favorite Cheesy, carbohydrate fatty foods.


  1. If you count carbs or calories on Junk Food Day, you’re off the hook. Skip the Salad and go straight for the Pizza. Sure, your fat-free frozen Yogurt is tasty, but today get the Double Fudge Ice Cream without feeling any guilt.
  2. There’s always that one coworker in the break room eating a healthy Salad while you’re snacking on Hamburger and Fries. You don’t have to worry about them today because I bet they’re secretly indulging in Junk Food Day, too.
  3. Cravings are an overwhelming sensation of desire for a certain food. Junk food cravings sometimes occur when the brain’s opioids and dopamine react to the benefit of high-calorie foods. This is why studies have shown that when we’re stressed, we’re more likely drawn towards foods like Cakes or sweets.
  4. While eating junk food is not the way you should always deal with stress, National Junk Food Day gives you the perfect excuse just for a day.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates