July 20: National Moon Day – #nationalmoonday

The Mommies Reviews

July 20: National Moon Day – #nationalmoonday which is a wonderful resource for those of you #Homeschooling your children. They could study the Moon, Stars, Moon and Astronomy. I mentioned to Charlie today is National Moon Day he found this resource “he is going to study “Moon & It’s Phases. Charlie and I are going to read Visitor’s Guide To The Moon. Would you like to join us in learning about the moon? We will be watching this documentary “Chasing The Moon.”

When Neil Armstrong stepped down onto the Moon’s cratered surface with the words, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind, ” every Mation on Earth seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief.  National Moon Day celebrates not only the historic lunar landing on   July 20, 1969, but National Moon Day also reminds us of the uphill slog to get the space program literally off the ground. On Moon Day, we remember both the quirky and profound moments in the space race that ended with the Americans being the first to plant their flag on the Moon. 

American astronauts Neil Armstrong, and Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin became the first humans in history to land on the Moon on July 20, 1969. The grand Apollo 11 Mission took place eight years after the national goal announcement by President John F. Kennedy to send a man to the Moon by the end of the 1960s.  

The idea for the mission was to send astronauts to the moon started when President Kennedy appealed to a special joint session of Congress in 1961, stating “I believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth.” 

At the time of Kennedy’s proposal, the United States was still head-to-head with the Soviet Union in advancements in space exploration and, since it was during the time of the Cold War, the proposal was welcomed. The first unmanned Apollo mission was initiated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, after five years of effort and hard work by their international team of engineers and scientists. The first mission served as a testing phase for the structural resilience of the launch spacecraft vehicle. 

At 9:32 A.M. on July 16, 1969, the whole world witnessed Apollo 11 take off from Kennedy Space Center with three astronauts on board. Neil Armstrong was the commander of the mission. The spacecraft entered the lunar orbit after three days, on July 19. The lunar module, Eagle, disengaged from the main command module the next day, manned by Armstrong and Aldrin. When Eagle touched the lunar surface, Armstrong radioed his historical message to Mission Control in Houston, Texas: “The Eagle has landed.” 

At 10:39 P.M., Armstrong exited the lunar module and made his way down its ladder. His progress was being recorded by a television camera attached to the module, transmitting signals back to Earth, where the world was watching with bated breath. At 10:56 P.M., Armstrong stepped on the moon’s powdery surface, and spoke his iconic words: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”


No matter how many years pass, we will always be in awe of the first moon landing in 1969. Landing on the moon was a huge step for mankind and our understanding of the great realm we exist in. Traditions for National Moon Day include watching documentaries and reading books on the Apollo 11 mission, moon watching, and marveling at its glorious luminescence at night.

Space enthusiasts bring out their telescopes to gaze at the moon and they read up on NASA’s upcoming projects and missions. National Moon Day is also prominently celebrated in schools, with the moon being the main topic in classes to educate children on the historical event. National Moon Day is also especially important for those interested in astrology and astronomy. The positioning of the moon, its effect on Earth, and the planetary moons are greatly discussed and delved into today.


  1. If you really want to get up close and personal with the moon, visit your local planetarium. These domed theaters, with massive telescopes, project images of the starry night skies filled with countless spectacular objects we may not be able to see with the naked eye. Visiting the planetarium encourages us to learn about our universe and, more importantly, where we fit in as human beings. Going to a planetarium is also a unique, educational experience where we can learn about astronomy and other related sciences.
  2. If you are you a student lucky enough to have an astronomy club on campus? Don’t miss the opportunity to sit in on a discussion of the first moon landing or share looks through a telescope. An astronomy club can point you in the direction of upcoming events where other like-minded souls gather to discuss all the celestial bodies in the universe.
  3. Get ready for a nighttime show! Put a reminder in your calendar about the next lunar eclipse. Make plans to bring a picnic basket filled with goodies, a blanket, binoculars, or a telescope and head out to your favorite viewing spot. Enjoy one of nature’s most dramatic shows!


  1. Mathematician Katherine Johnson, along with two other black women, were instrumental in calculating NASA’s routes to the moon for its first lunar landing. Director Theodore Melfi and writer Allison Schroeder finally told their story in the 2016 film Hidden Figures.
  2. Armstrong felt it was important to show how aviation had progressed which is why he carried a small piece of wood from one of the Wright Brothers’ planes.
  3. By the time the Spaceship landed, the Lunar Module barely had any fuel left.
  4. Over 600 million people around the world watched the live lunar landing, eclipsing all previous TV ratings records.
  5. President Nixon had an alternate speech ready in case the mission failed.


  1. The moon formed when a giant Mars-sized object hit Earth 4.6 billion years ago and a cloud of vaporized rock spun into orbit encircling the Earth. Once the cloud cooled, it transformed into smaller chunks that combined together, creating our Moon.
  2. The Moon is the brightest object we see in the night sky,
  3. The Moons diameter is about one-quarter the size of Earth but with less gravity. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you’d only weigh 25 pounds on the moon. Since I can’t lose the weight I’ve been struggling to lose her on Earth I should move to Mars and I wouldn’t be considered obese. But I would still need to lose the extra weight for my health. Would you like to go to Mars with me?
  4. The moon is only about the fifth largest one in our immediate Solar System.
  5. The Moon has Earthquakes (or in this case, Moonquakes) that sometimes form cracks where gasses escape. What a strange landscape for the Apollo crew to walk on, don’t you think?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates