July 13 Embrace Your Geekness Day #EmbraceYourGeeknessDay

The Mommies Reviews

Today is July 13th which is Embrace Your Geekness Day #EmbraceYourGeeknessDay. I don’t think of myself or even David as a Geek but then when I come to Charlie at times I think he could be and that is fine with me. Just look at Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory and his groups of friend’s. There all #nerds and also geeks we all have come to love.

If Charlie wants to be like them then I am all for it. How about you. Do you know a #Geek? If so take time today to celebrate them and let them know what you like abut them and why. If we had a car I would take Charlie out for Ice cream at @Braum’s this morning to celebrate Your Geekness Day. Would you like to come with us?

From Dungeons and Dragons to Aquaman: if you’re into any sort of fandom and not afraid to show it, Embrace Your Geekness Day on July 13th is for you. It’s time to dust off your wizarding robes, collect those Poké Balls, and charge up your lightsabers. No fan is greater or more creative than that of any fantasy land, and today is about embracing your love for your favorite fandoms. Your geekness is being rewarded by other geeks around the world, and find scholarship for geeks that can make the world a better place.

Once upon a time, geekiness may have been something popularly frowned upon, a time when self-proclaimed nerds would shutter away their comic books and wizarding capes in the hopes that they wouldn’t live to see another day when their glasses needed taping. While geekness may have been a social taboo in the past, today, it has become a symbol of creativity and passion!

The term ‘geek’ was used to refer to Circus performers in the Victorian age. Before that, a geek was simply a ‘freak’ as used in the English language or a ‘fool’ in German. These oddballs were put on display in traveling geek shows and Circuses where they would eat the head off of a live Chicken or Snake. 

It wasn’t until the mid- to late 20th Century that the term ‘geek’ arose as we know it today: someone who is fanatic about the fantasy worlds of superheroes and/or magic. And while those who were openly geekish used to be the victims of swirlies and being shoved into lockers, today, the term has become popularly and warmly embraced as more and more people reveal themselves to be even a little bit geeky. 

While the specific origins of Your Geekness Day are unknown, Embrace Your Geekness Day was founded by Wellcat Holidays to celebrate all things geek. Rather than allow geeks to suffer for their devoted love of warlocks and wizards, superheroes and supervillains, Embrace Your Geekness Day is a chance to celebrate the inner geek in all of us.


  1. Invite your geek squad over for a fun ‘who knows it best’ round or two. Whether you’re for “Star Trek” or “Star Wars,” “Harry Potter,” or “Lord of the Rings,” put your skills and knowledge to the test against your fiercest competitors. favorite scenes.
  2. Grab Popcorn and pull up a seat. It’s time to settle in for the long haul. Have fun watching your favs while you dissect their plots and scientific- or historical accuracy. Bonus points if your fandom was first a book series and you can point out all the book to movie discrepancies.
  3. Don’t wait for the Renaissance Fair or Comicon to pull out that dusty costume. It’s time to don your trusty guise and be loud and proud of your favorite fandoms! Whether you’ve got wizarding robes or Superman’s cape, today’s the day to show them a little love by re-enacting your favorite Super-Hero.


  1. The phrase “gotta catch ’em all” gets more daunting each year as the number keeps growing and at the moment there are over 800 characters.
  2. The popular and most recognizable Pickachu turned 20 years old in 2016.
  3. Pokémon may have started as a trading game but Pokemon has since launched into video games, TV series, anime series, movies, and even plush toys.
  4. Furry yellow Pikachu may be the face of the franchise, but Rhydon was the first-ever drawn Pokémon, even though he ranks 112 in the Pokedex.
  5. In Japanese, Pikachu is onomatopoeia for squeaking and shaking.


  1. Leave the real world and human limitations behind. Embracing your geekiness means letting your imagination run loose and pretending you can fly, run at lightning speed, or have incredible strength. Who wouldn’t prefer going to Hogwarts over high school?
  2. All of that memorabilia you’ve been collecting for years could actually be selling for quite a nice chunk of dough these days if you look for the right buyer. Not that you’d want to let go of your mint in-plastic comics, but it’s nice to know they could save you in a pinch.
  3. Geekness spans all things fantasy, from sci-fi, to superhero, to anime, to wizardry! There’s no one genre that makes a geek, so whatever your favorite fandom, you can rest assured there are millions of other geeks worldwide who share your passion for alternate universes.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates