July 11th All American Pet Photo Day #AllAmericanPhotoDay

The Mommies Reviews

Today is July 11th All American Pet Photo Day #AllAmericanPhotoDay. I thought I would share photos of mine and Charlie’s dog with you. Lucy is the brown Dog in the Photo. Lucy is a Chi-Weenie and she is named from I Love Lucy. My dog is the black and white dog a rat Terrier names Pheobie from the TV Show #Friends.

We also have David’s dog which we believe is part Boxer. Charlie rescued Annie from Oklahoma and she is named from the TV Show One Day At A Time. Annie is living with David’s Uncle because they changed the rules in our Apartment complex Appian Way Townhomes to only 2 dogs per household.

I would like to ask you to share a photo of your pets with my family.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates