July 1 Zip Code Day #ZipCodeDay

I wanted to share the last of the Holidays being celebrated on July 1st which is Zip Code Day #ZipCodeDay. #ZipCode day would make a fun study in homeschooling and even though Charlie has graduated he still wants to learn about Zip Codes because his Aunt and Uncle worked at the Post Office. Would you like to join us in our studies and I was thinking about contacting the Post Office to see if they host Field Trips. If so would you like to go with us? We could do breakfast or lunch if you have time depending on what time our tour might be.

ZIP Code Day is celebrated annually on July 1st and I have a question for you. Dif you know the Post Office Department announced the ZIP code in the late 1960s when they rolled out a publicity campaign that featured Mr. Zip, encouraging people to use the new codes. Another element of the campaign included mailing more than 72,000,000 postcards to let people know about their new ZIP code.

At this point in our lives, a ZIP code may seem like a normal thing to have, but there was a time when zip codes did not exist. It was London and Liverpool in England that were the first Cities to be divided into designated ZIP code sectors. However, by the end of World War I, the zip code system began making its way all across the world. In different Countries, it might be known by different names, though, including postal code or pin code. Some Counties do not use a postal code at all, however, including the Bahamas, Botswana, Dominica, Fiji, Ghana, Mauritius, Yemen, to name a few.

The ZIP code or the zone improvement plan system only came to the United States in the early 1960s. The idea behind introducing zip codes was to help in speedy mail travel. The post office was observed that mail was moving more efficiently when there were ZIP codes added to the final address.

The usage of a ZIP code has now gone beyond its initial purpose and includes collecting geographical statistics, credit card authorization, internet routing, identification of legislative districts, insurance-related works, and more. The term ‘ZIP code’ was first registered by the United States Postal Service. Since 1967, the post office has made it mandatory to use ZIP codes for bunk mailers. Did you know ZIP codes are even popular in pop culture. The most famous ZIP code is 90210 in Beverly Hills, owing to the ’90s TV show of the same name. Which one day God willing I will visit along with the old Hollywood sign. Would you like to take a road trip with me to these places?


  1. You can bake a cake and write out your ZIP code, or even multiple codes, in Icing on top. Share this cake with your friends and family and celebrate Zip Code Day.
  2. If you have the opportunity you can speak to your local authorities and create a community event specially designed for your ZIP code. This event can offer a host of entertainment including a parade, bake-offs, workshops, and so much more.
  3. Robert Moon was a postal service employee who went through a great effort to introduce the ZIP-code system. If you don’t know anything about Robert Moon, ZIP Code Day is the day to change that. Read up about Robert Moon the man who brought about this system, which is now beneficial to the whole Country.


  1. In the United States, there are approximately 42,000 ZIP codes.
  2. Each year, there are around 5,000 changes made to ZIP codes, including eliminating old ones and creating new ones.
  3. ZIP codes can be classified into four types: Unique Codes, PO Boxes, Military, and Standard.
  4. The White House has two ZIP codes; one is for the President, and the other is for their family to receive personal mail.
  5. The wealthiest ZIP codes in the U.S. belong to 07620 — Alpine, N.J., and 33109 – Fisher Island, Fl.


  1. A zip code is important for the USPS to ensure rapid and efficient delivery of all mail and the ZIP code helps to identify and map routes and sort mail accordingly.
  2. While ZIP codes are indeed most important for mail delivery, they’re equally important for other reasons. They can come in use for job opportunities, access to medical services, stores, and much more.
  3. ZIP codes can help you identify places you want to visit or relocate to. ZIP code mapping can even help in shortlisting locations for a new or expanding business. They even help banks and lenders in issuing authorization for credit cards and assigning insurance ratings.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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