July 1 National Postal Workers Day #NationalPostalWorkersDay

July 1 is National Postal Workers Day #NationalPostalWorkersDay and we celebrate all things at the post office including July 1st is National U.S. Postage Stamp Day #USPostageStampDay and July 1st which is Zip Code Day #ZipCodeDay. I bet my Aunt Susane would love knowing this because she retired from Oklahoma Cities Postal Services as a instructor and my Uncle Jeff as a instructor as well in there Automotive services. I would like to remind you to thank your postman or women for all they do for us year in and year out.

Before the internet and email. Before the television or the telephone. Even before the telegraph system was developed and able to be used in a reliable manner, there was the post office. Anything as old as the post office deserves to be celebrated and would make a awesome #Homeschool resource if I were still homeschooling Charlie.

United States Postal Workers can trace their history all the way back to the year before the Country actually gained independence which was in 1775, during the Second Continental Congress, that Ben Franklin was appointed to be the first Postmaster General, a position that was similar to one Ben Franklin had also held for the Kingdom of Great Britain.

The official Post Office Department wasn’t created until almost two decades later, in 1792, when the Postal Service Act was passed. Of course, the postal service has changed and grown along with the Country, and the post office has had its ups and downs in service, but the post office remains an important part of the government that many people continue to rely on today.

National Postal Workers Day was founded in 1997 by then-USPS employee, Richard E. Baker, who wanted to shine a spotlight on the role postal workers serve in delivering mail to millions of Americans each day. What Richard E. Baker may not have realized is that National Postal Workers Day would become more and more important as fewer and fewer people would begin relying less on the post office as alternative forms of electronic communication would become commonplace!

It is true that postal workers do not always get the thanks they deserve. And sometimes postal workers are even the butt of certain jokes when people want to poke fun or are dissatisfied with their service. But those who have a postal worker in their life who delivers their mail regularly and in a timely manner should certainly take this opportunity, on National Postal Workers Day, to say thanks.!

How to Celebrate National Postal Workers Day

Show some thanks and appreciation to these important government employees by celebrating National Postal Workers Day and implement some of these ideas to get started with the festivities:

Write a Thank You Card

When the postal worker comes to pick up the mail, slip a little personalized thank you note right into the box, or hand the note to them personally if possible. It might even be nice to bake your post man or women a little treat or provide them with some other kind of small show of appreciation for the hard work they do and help they provide.

Those who happen to be dropping off or picking up a package at the post office during National Post Office Workers Day, especially folks who do so on a regular basis, might also want to give an extra thank you to the staff at the post office! Bring your friends and family along to also say thank you.

Learn Fun Facts About the Post Office

One way to celebrate National Postal Workers Day might be to learn and share information a to raise awareness for National Post Workers Day. Begin the fun with some of these interesting pieces of information: 

  • While sometimes linked together, the Pony Express only functioned from 1860–1861 and was never part of the US Postal Service. 
  • The first post office in the Colonies was started in 1639 and this post office was located in a tavern. 
  • In the early years of the US, the postal service was the only way to send money, which motivated people to steal the mail. 
  • The postal act of 1792 imposed the harshest of penalties on mail thieves which was up to death for a second offender.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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