Journey of Awakening and Higher Consciousness by Jane Kim Yu

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share a Self-Help book with you called Journey of Awakening and Higher Consciousness by Jane Kim Yu which I received a PDF copy of from Voracious Readers in exchange for this review. Inside this post are my affiliate links if you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the items you purchase.

Just when I think I’ve figured out life something happens and I’m knocked onto my rear. I hear myself doubting myself and my parenting skills. I ask am I a good wife. Why would someone want to be around me. I struggle for friends. I don’t lovemyself and I end up sinking into depression which has been getting worse with the unknowns of Charlie graduating and him looking for a job.

I knew I needed to take time for me and regroup and recenter my life because I didn’t something I would regret. Having a copy of Jane Kim Yu’s debut book allowed me to do that through the inspirational journey into healing, higher consciousness, and discovering what makes us uniquely human she shares with us.

The themes she covers focuses on themes love and enlightenment to help us rediscover ourselves and reach the ultimate in higher consciousness. The journey into becoming whole again begins with a return to love itself because, after all, we are love incarnate. I even found myself stopping to write things down the Author said and sharing the book with Charlie and David.

Love does not mean being in a constant state of nirvana and never experiencing pain, it merely means learning to process our emotions in an effort to get to know ourselves better. I will be purchasing a copy of Journey of Awakening and Higher Consciousness for Charlie as part of his graduation gifts so he can always remember to love himself first and foremost.

Jane Kim Yu shares her personal experiences, lessons learned, and how her personal journey transformed her and helped her find peace. The Authors tips for better living include meditation, prayer, walking (spending time in nature), getting involved in music and the arts, writing/journaling, and having a circle of trusted friends and mentors/professionals

About the Book:

“True spirituality is a true coming alive, for it’s not what you do; it’s who you are. Which means living the life of your dreams on your terms and, most of all, in your heart as the you that you are. Love unleashed.”

Discover the journey of awakening in a new light never seen before. Read about our universal journey of discovery, of awakening to the greatest truth of the land, the truth that reverberates in our very hands, the hands of heart, the very heart of our being, that – you are love.

Through a profoundly rare experience that left the author’s mind silent for nearly half a year, it awakened her own desire to find her fire. The very fire that lit the night sky. The very fire that lives in all our hearts nigh. The very fire, to come alive.

Jane’s debut book Journey of Awakening and Higher Consciousness, is an offering of love that crystalizes her 3 passions: eloquent writing, creative expression, and the exploration of our divine humanity. These combine into an unforgettable experience that will awaken your inner fire and bring passion and purpose back into your life.

Meet the Author: Jane Kim Yu

Jane Kim Yu profile image

Dr. Jane Kim Yu holds a Doctorate in Pharmacy from the renowned St. John’s University. From a young age, she harbored a profound aspiration to become an author and share her vision through artistic creation.

This dream crystallized with the publication of her debut book, Journey of Awakening and Higher Consciousness. Jane’s work is a testament to her three driving passions: eloquent writing, intricate creative expression, and a deep-seated spirituality.

These are demonstrated in her life and through her newsletter Soul Secrets, where she discusses hope, love, life, and the beauty of it all from our humanity to our divinity to the grace that guides our life.

Her endeavors bridge the gap between the empirical and the ethereal, resonating with readers and art aficionados alike.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates