When we go to movies it’s usually films Charlie or I would like to see. David doesn’t hardly ever pick out a film he himself wants to see. This time he did and it was John Wich Chapter 4 and The Super Mario Bros. Movie. What surprised me was when I mentioned David wanted to see John Wick 4 and my sister said your not going without me. Because when we’ve asked her to go to movies in the past, she’s said she would like to see she passes.

I called her on Monday morning to let her know I was purchasing our tickets from Cinemark Northeast Mall 18 and Xd. Then I asked her if she still want to go. Debbie said no, I think I will stay home my Ear is hurting me and my Allergies are acting up. Besides that, my son David is also wanting to see this movie. I figure we will watch it as a family. I hung up the phone and ordered our tickets online from Cinemark (Rave) in Hurst, Texas
I was even able to collect our points and snacks so we could walk through any lines and just go into the theater which I liked because we were leaving home later than usual and if we had to wait in line, we would have missed the trailers which David and I like to watch. We arrived at the theater and Charlie helped me find our seats while David went to grab our snacks.
Before the movie Charlie let me know he was glad I had purchased tickets for all of us because he watched John Wick with his dad. Which I didn’t know. The movie began and I wasn’t sure I would understand what was happening because I’d never seen any of these movies, but I didn’t have that problem.
I can tell you this movie is full or action and suspense, plenty of blood and guts. A lot of ohh and ahh moments and ones where I closed my eyes. But I did enjoy the film and I’m not going to tell you what happened at the end because I don’t want to spoil it for anyone. What I will say is now I am also a fan of John Wick.
I plan on purchasing all the movies for David and Charlie for Christmas then we can set down and watch them for beginning to end so I actually know what all happened in them and why. I can’t wait to see Charlie and David’s faces when they open these movies at Christmas. Don’t let me forget to order lots of Popcorn and Popcorn Salt for Charlie.
1101 Melbourne Road, Hurst 76053
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates