My nephew was in Kindergarten this year. I hate how the school is closed down and how much Jason has missed so much of his first year of school. He is missing his friends and doesn’t understand why he can’t go to class.

I miss my sister picking Jason up from school and them coming over after to play Basketball with Charlie. I haven’t got to see him or Lily since this all started and it feels like I’m never going to get to see them.
Last night Debbie and Alyssa was over ad we were talking about Jason’s Kindergarten graduation which he may not get to have since school has been closed until May.
I let Debbie and Alyssa know no, matter what was happening at the end of school Jason would have a graduation even if I had to figure out how because all children deserve to graduate and Jason wouldn’t understand next year why Lily gets to and he doesn’t.
Lord, Please let this end and us all get back to normal even if schools are closed for the year, please let people return to work and businesses that are closed open back up and families be able to take care of there families and to live full lives.
Keep the people infected with Cornovirus and to live safely.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates