January Ultimate Blog Challenge!

The Mommies Reviews

The January Ultimate Blog Challenge! Day 27 or January 27th and no, I didn’t catch up. Infact I am further behind than ever because today is February 1sst, 2022 but you know what it’s okay because even though it’s just for me I am going to finish this challenge.

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Before you ask how I ended up getting so far behind and not catching up when I was on track well let me tell you Covid has hit our home. David tested positive on Saturday and since then Charlie and I haven’t been feeling that well as well.

All Charlie had been doing is scaring me because all Charlie is doing is sleeping and that isn’t healthy. I have to fight to get Charlie to drink anything or even walk anywhere but I am not going to give up because if I did Charlie might get worse than he is. As for Fever he has had it, but it seems to have gone away. Thank the LORD…

As for David he is doing better than the Lord as the doctors said he has a light case and since I wasn’t feeling good yesterday and all I did was sleep David was kind enough to clean the house for me and I can’t ever thank him enough for that.

As we move into February and not knowing when or if life is going back to normal, I wanted to go ahead and finish the Ultimate Blog Challenge and I’m three days behind and could just limp all the post into one but that isn’t the way the Challenge should be done so I am not going to do that.

I started strong and I am going to finish strong. One post a day and visit the two blogs ahead of me. As well as use the Prompts we are given making me a stronger BLOGGER and helping prepare me for the next Challenge which I hope you will join us in.

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This morning’s prompt asked us to go to www.ezinearticles.com and search a topic that our blog readers could use help with. Once you’ve found a good article, reprint it on your blog (copy and paste the entire article on to your website – just be sure to keep it exactly as it is AND make sure you include the resource box at the end).

You are allowed to use an article from this site as long as you include that resource box at the end.

At the beginning or end you can add a “Note from (your name here):” and explain what you found valuable about the article, any additional tips or thoughts you’ve got on the topic.

This is a great way to add content to your website without having to write very much! Keep in mind that you are required to include the resource box that is included (did I say that enough yet?)

This is known as “Curating Content” – and is a great way you can create a blog post by using someone else’s content.

Don’t forget to share your Day 28 post first on your own website, and then head over to the Facebook group at: http://www.facebook.com/groups/UltimateBlogChallenge and share the URL of your post with the group.

If you are tweeting, use the #blogboost to let folks know you are part of the community!

I thought about visiting the site but trust me I have enough articles to share this morning and I will save the website for a day when I can’t think of anything to say. Before you say you actually wouldn’t have anything to say yes, there are days when I don’t have anything to say. Do you ever have those days.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates