January 9th, 2024 Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 9

The Mommies Reviews

In our post this morning for the Ultimate Blog Challenge we was asked to let people in on our life with some photographs. Of course your website includes photographs of your products or virtual images of your products, but how about some photos of your hometown, the Wildlife or scenery near you, or your sewing studio or workspace?

January 9th, 2024 Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 9
January 9th, 2024 Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 9

I thought about what photos I could share with you this morning and it’s been so cold I wasn’t able to get outside the way I would like to. I thought I might have some photos on my phone of our Town but of course I didn’t which is a surprise with as many photos as I take. Then I checked David and Charlie’s phone and nothing on it either.

I was scrolling through my phone I had photos from Christmas which we had taken at Cookes Children’s Hospital of all three of us so I thought I would share the family photo with you then a photo of my sitting in my mock office which Charlie had taken of me. Now, its your turn come share a photo with us.

January 9th, 2024 Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 9
January 9th, 2024 Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 9

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates