Charlie and I sat down to share January 9ths 2024 Day 9th #PictureoftheDayChallenge and a funny thing happened we had skipped this day somehow. Now, don’t ask me how we went from the 8th to the 10th because I have no, clue and neither did Charlie. I thought we could do a free day and you can share a picture of anything you want this morning.

I thought I would share the sign that hangs above my couch. I was missing Suzzie a lot this morning. I’m downstairs with the one of the dogs as Charlie is sleeping and David is at work. My mind keeps thinking of my mom and dad and Suzzie and things happening here in our home. So sharing this sign made me feel closer to them. Seeing the sign reminds me might be time to visit Cracker Barrel and she what they have new. Would you like to go with me as it would give me a chance to walk which I need.
I also asked David to check his list for our #ColoroftheDayChallenge and we also missed picking a color for today. Come share something in your favorite color. Charlie and I choose white which is in our sign above and makes both of us happy. Before you ask what about David he is the one who picked out the signa and like us he also likes white.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates