January 7th, 2024 #SundayFunDay

The Mommies Reviews

How are you? Today is the last day of the first week of January 2024. Can you believe a week has passed? Today is #SundayFunDay and I don’t know about you but I don’t have anything fun planned. Do you? I wanted to go outside and walk but its a tad cold so I will be walking inside. LORD, help me get at least 30 minutes of walking.

if your struggling like I am turn the tv on not to watch but every time commercials comes on get up and walk and before you know it you will have your steps in and remember to drink water during each commercial. Weight loss can be done inside as long as we don’t give up. Just remember like the little ENGINE who could I think I can, I think I can, I know I can.

This afternoon Gunner a dog we watched in the past will be returning for a week. Joy be. Let me tell you Charlie isn’t happy about that. But life goes on. I would like to ask what you have planned for today? I’m letting Charlie sleep in this morning and David is working. It’s a tad chilly in my house this morning I’m going to the couch with my book in a few minutes.

I hope your Sunday is a #HappySunday and I pray ours is as well. As the weekend comes to a end I hope you enjoyed the #weekendvibes all around you and your family. I hope next week is everything you want and so much more. Remember to stay warm as its in the 40’s here. Be kind and share a smile with everyone you see.


Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates