Today #Coloroftheday is PURPLE which is my favorite color. Before you ask what shade of purple do I like I love Lavender but just any shade of purple makes me happy. What about you?

If you know me then you would think there would be a lot of purple in my home but when I looked around I didn’t find much because even my Eeyore’s didn’t look purple. Although in one of our homes David painted my office lavender and I loved it and wish I still had that house but that wasn’t the LORDs will for us.
I begin to look for something purple to share with you and I found this beautiful cup my best friend @DebbieFinneySutton gave me for my Birthday a couple years ago that I love using for Hot Tea in the morning when sitting out on my back porch reading my book of the week. Would you like to join me for a cup of Tea?
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
I’d love to join you for a cup of tea! I love your mug, purple and butterflies, Lia’s favorites!