January 6th, 2024 Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 6th

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, how are you? One more day in the first week of 2024. Time is flying by as we finish the first week of the Ultimate Blog Challenge. If you haven’t joined us there is still time to join us.

January 6th, 2024 Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 6th
January 6th, 2024 Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 6th

Today’s prompt asked us to:

We all have people in our life that have helped us in our life. For today’s post, pick one of those people and spotlight them in your blog post. Who knows, they may be able to help someone else just by reading your story.

As I thought about the prompt I had a lot of people I could share from friends in the blogging industry to family members like my dad of my daughter Suzzane but none of those felt like the person the LORD was wanting me to share. As I moved on through my dad I knew I needed to share my son Charlie who isn’t only my son but my best friend,.

Charlie is one of the kindest caring people I know and he would give you the shirt off his back if it would make you happy. Charlie is the photographer on my blog and the person I go to when I have computer problems. Charlie is so protective and takes care of not only me but his grandparents.

Charlie is homeschooled and more times than not he is teaching me something instead of me teaching him. Thanks to Charlie his dad hasn’t done any drugs in over 16 years and has cut way down on his drinking. When my dad would come and visit before he passed away Charlie was his running buddy.

Charlie may be going to work with my sister doing Grubhub to make money they can share. It’s hard to believe Charlie is 16 and he will be graduating in May and looking for a job. Charlie has lots and lots of plans with his life and I know without a doubt he will accomplish everything he wants to do and so much more.

After having Suzzane I wasn’t supposed to have another child because I had a scare with CANCER but the LORD blessed David and I with Charlie and I thank the LORD each and every day because he did. If he hadn’t I wouldn’t be the person I am today and there wouldn’t be a blog.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates