January 5th, 2024 #PictureoftheDay: Show a picture of your dream car

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning,

To get us up and moving this morning in our #pictureoftheday challenge Charlie asked us to share a picture of a car or truck we like. Yes, it can be your car you own or your dram car.

David is working this morning. C is sleeping because of a #Headache. Neither Charlie or David want me to go outside and walk by myself incase my knees goes out.

This means I can’t get outside until later today to take a picture of a car. I wanted to make sure I had this post done for today so I thought I would share a picture of my #dreamcar a 64 1/2 Mustang. I would like for it to be Candy Apple red with Silver strips.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates