January 5 National Keto Day #NationalKetoDay

The Mommies Reviews

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When a New Year dawns most of us make New Years Resolutions. A lot of time people don’t even make it past the first week and they end up breaking the resolutions they made. I hate to admit it but I boke my most important resolution the first day.

I wanted to lose weight and had planned on waling for at least 30 minutes a day. I haven’t done that. I said Soda’s only on Sunday I haven’t kept that resolution either. Which I could blame on the foods we’ve been eating but that isn’t true.

Then there was the no, sweets the entire month of January and I hate to admit it but I also failed this resolution. I got up this morning to start my walk and its in the 40s there is no, may I can get outside to walk in this cold Weather.

I could ask David to go to Walmart when he gets home but he has been outside all day long and will be hurting when he gets home. Plus, we need to cook dinner so leaving home to go walking is out. Instead I’m going to look for a walking video on YouTube and use it. Would you like to join me?

If we had room here in the Townhome and we could get inside the storage and we had a truck I could bring my #Treadmill home but that isn’t going to work. Instead I need to get back to watching what I eat, no, snacks.

Also there can be no, eating after 6pm and no, soda’s and waking inside or instead of losing the weight I need to lose I will end up gaining more and being #obsese that could lead to even more health problems. Otherwise I may not live to see Charlie grow up and I refuse for that to happen.

Come and join me today as we celebrate January 5 National Keto Day #NationalKetoDay. Before you ask no, I’m not going to do a #Keto diet. I don’t know enough about Keto which can be to strict for me. But I can and will take tips from the Keto diet and lose this weight somehow someway.

Come and join me. To get started I found The Complete Ketogenic Diet for Beginners: Your Essential Guide to Living the Keto Lifestyle or Keto After 50: A Complete Plan for Staying Healthy, Eating Well, and Losing Weight which can help us on our journey.

On National Keto Day, January 5, we are reminded that people on ketogenic diets cut carbs out of their diet to an extent where the body starts to consume fat — instead of carbohydrates — for fuel. The obvious benefit of fat used for energy is weight loss, but it also helps epilepsy patients avoid seizures, and is shown to increase cognitive brain function.

For those wanting to start keto, be aware of possible side effects dubbed the “keto flu.” However, there are plenty of reliable resources online and celebrities like the Kardashians and Halle Berry also swear by it!

Ketogenic diets cut carbs out of diet so that body fat is used for fuel.

The ketogenic diet as a modern health strategy started in the 1920s, as a treatment for epilepsy in both children and adults. Later, with the introduction of effective anticonvulsant prescription drugs for seizures, keto fell out of favor with the medical community. However, some providers still recommended the regimen of the 4:1 fat to protein intake ratio and reduction in grain-based foods, sugars, and high-carb fruits, instead of the medicines.

Finally, in 1994, Hollywood producer Jim Abrahams, whose son’s epilepsy was controlled by the keto diet, established the Charlie Foundation for Ketogenic Therapies. This led to broad media coverage including an interview on “Dateline” and a made-for-TV movie starring Meryl Streep directed by Abrahams himself. Soon after, his foundation published a cutting-edge scientific study of ketogenics, and a renewed national and international interest began to grow.

So how did doctors in the early 20th century know that carb reduction would be of benefit to epileptics? The real history goes back to ancient Greece, where it was written by physicians in the “Hippocratic Corpus” that epilepsy was not supernatural as commonly believed, but a biological ailment that could be treated by severe fasting.

In 20th-century treatments and studies, it was discovered by neurologists that a starch and sugar-free diet could replicate the results of the total fasting version, and that fine-tuning and experimentation of course led to today’s version of keto, spurred on to a great extent by the national preoccupation with weight loss.

Today, the brain-health benefits of the keto diet are known to apply to Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, insomnia, and more. The Vitamin Shoppe founded National Keto Day on January 5, 2019, to educate and bring awareness to the ketogenic diet and further highlight the many health benefits a keto lifestyle offers.

How to Observe National Keto Day

  1. When done correctly and with care, Keto is an excellent strategy for weight loss and increased brain function. There are drawbacks, but perhaps if Kim Kardashian can master the diet and maintain a Keto diet while living a productive life, so can we.
  2. If inclined, the most prominent organization to donate to or volunteer at is The Epilepsy Foundation, which has branch offices in many major Cities. Consider giving time and resources to them or another nonprofit.
  3. Did you know there are many Scientifically-backed benefits to fasting, and is a practice which dates back centuries that plays a central role in many cultures and religions. Aside from this, many successful Keto dieters include occasional fasting in their plan, to a positive effect.

Why People Love National Keto Day

Most of us have seen the ads for prescription medicines on TV, where the visuals show a happy story of well-adjusted people, but the narrator is intoning the whole time, “This may harm you, this may even kill you.” Keto has its own challenges, but keto lacks the risk of some pretty nasty side effects. I think we should give it a try if your looking to lose weight. What do you think and why?

I’m sure you know fasting or selective fasting produces ketones, but did you know that things like intense exercise can do the same thing? Ketosis is a standard human biological process, it’s just that this is enhanced and maximized during the Keto diet. All without the risky side-effects of medications!

A study of patients with obesity and Type-2 diabetes on the Keto diet showed the majority were able to reduce or eliminate insulin treatment. Anyone who doesn’t like needles can appreciate that! Can’t they?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates