Good morning, I had meant on January 31st to let have Charlie create Art for Inspire Your Heart With Art Day #inspireyourheatwithartday but the day went by and I forget. Since I’m still behind from being sick and Charlie still needs to do school this morning I think we will just do a Art Day and he can draw what ever his heart desires.

I remember as a child picking up a piece of notebook paper and taking a pen and just doodling and turning the paper into a design I would color. Most of the time it was just shapes but sometimes you could find a heart inside the design I didn’t even realize was there. Would you like to get a piece of paper and join me in creating a masterpiece for Charlie’s Art Show at the end of the year?
If David was home this morning we could create Art with food then we could visit a Art Museum for a Field Trip since David isn’t home we may go on a walk and look for Art in nature would you like to join us? No, matter what type of art you do today come back and share it with Charlie and I. Then share it on Social Media using this hashtag #InspireYourHeartWithArtDay
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates