January 28th, National Have Fun At Work Day

The Mommies Reviews

As if Fridays couldn’t get any better around the office, National Fun at Work Day falls on the last Friday of January! Whether you work for a small office or a large organization, injecting fun into the workplace is a great way to bond with coworkers, boost team morale, gain inspiration, and even increase productivity. Yes, before you ask I work for myself.

I’m my only employee but at times Charlie or David help me so its time to do something fun as a family to showcase on the blog after being sick for over two weeks. Before you ask what are we going to do I’m not sure you will just have to watch to see what we come up with if David is off this week. If not Charlie and I will have to find something fun to do inside. LORD help us.

Did you know National Fun at Work Day was created to foster happiness and humor in the office and bring employees together. Rally your coworkers brainstorm ways to best celebrate. By throwing parties, hosting a potluck, handing out goodies, playing games, or handing out awards. There’s no wrong way to celebrate National Fun at Work Day.


Boosting team morale with fun in an effort to reach a shared goal is a timeless method that has been used b, commanders for centuries. From inspiring speeches to motivating songs, leaders seek to create a fun work environment that increases efficiency. Modern methods for achieving this range from company retreats and team building exercises to offsite parties.

National Fun at Work Day encourages a break from the work day with a dose of fun. No need to plan an elaborate field trip! Not sure fun belongs in the workplace? Evidence shows that when employees are happy, organizations thrive. Happy employees are more productive, successful, and loyal than, Not to mention, happy employees are less stressed and take fewer sick days.

Regardless of your office’s culture, no one is immune from falling into a work routine, feeling stressed, or prioritizing work over relationships. National Fun at Work Day is a great opportunity to inject fun into your workplace while reconnecting with coworkers, fostering new relationships with team members, relaxing and recharging,

If you’re still worried about taking a break during the workday, you never know what ideas, will occur when you take the time to engage in office fun. National Fun at Work Day is all about boosting employee happiness and promoting a better work/life balance. No matter how you choose to spend National Fun at Work Day, it’s worth celebrating!


  1. Instituting a fun dress code is a great way to involve the whole office in National Fun at Work Day. Have everyone wear gear from their favorite sports team, rep their college colors, or simply dress casually.
  2. Food is always a great way to bond and have fun. Post a signup sheet for employees who want to contribute a dish. While enjoying the potluck, have the office vote on their favorite dish and present the winner with a prize.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates