January 26 National Green Juice Day #NationalGreenJuiceDay

The Mommies Reviews

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I don’t know about you but I had plans to get #healthier this year and that included losing weight. I need to stop #snacking and drinking Soda’s and Seat Tea. I need to find a healthy beverage to change my bad habits.

I learned January 26th is National Green Juice Day #NationalGreenJuiceDay. If your like me you may not like a lot of the foods in Green Juices but there supposed to be healthy and help with weight loss. Looks like I need to bite the bullet and drink at least one or two Green Juices a day with Cucumber Water and Apple Cider Vinegar I might lose this weight I need to lose. Would you want to join me?

Health food and drink producer Evolution Fresh started National Green Juice Day as a way of encouraging those who’ve made a New Year’s resolution to stay or get healthy. The company suggests consumers drink Green Juices to promote good health. Green Juices consist of a variety of pressed Vegetables and Fruits making Green Juices a healthy alternative to other foods. On January 26th, Evolution Fresh partners with HelloFresh to provide home delivery of fresh green juices.

National Green Juice Day Activities

  1. I’m sure you know you can find a variety of Green Juices at your local Supermarket or Health Food Store. Replacing that Soda or Iced Coffee with a healthy Green Juice can help your skin, boost your energy, and promote weight loss. Looks like I need to start drinking Green Juices. How about you?
  2. If you’ve made a resolution to get healthy by eating better and exercising, let National Green Juice Day give you encouragement to keep it going. While enthusiasm for resolutions might wane as time goes on, yours doesn’t have to. Green Juice can become a daily reminder of the importance of maintaining good health.
  3. Did you know Evolution Fresh offers free drinks and delivery in select Cities on January 22? I missed that day but I hadn’t heard about it and not only that I didn’t know about Evolution Fresh but I found it and have National Green Juice Day marked on my calendar. How about you?

Green Juice Recipes

  1. Get Up and Glow– includes Cucumber, Mint, and Grapefruit. You can let this beverage sit overnight if you need to.
  2. Healthy Celery-Romaine Lettuce, Celery, Kale, Watercress, and Ginger go get these ingredients for this tasty Green Juice.
  3. Healthy Citrus Green Juice– You’ll need Lemons, a Lime, peeled Oranges, and a Celery stalk to make this twist on the morning glass of OJ.
  4. Soothing Morning Green Juice– features Cucumbers, Granny Smith Apples, Lemon, and Raw Honey.
  5. Lean Green Juice– a concoction of Pineapple, Cucumber, Pear, Spinach, Mint, Nectar, and Chia Seeds.

Why People Love National Green Juice Day

Fruit and Veggie drinks come in a whole variety of flavors, and there should be one that you’ll find delicious. Remember there more than just Broccoli or Brussels sprouts in a blender; companies that produce Greeb Juice bring a Chef’s flair to the process. The result? Tasty drinks!

Remember all those times Mom said, “Eat your veggies”? On National Green Juice Day celebrates the fact that you can now drink those Veggies and make mom proud.

Green Juices are a healthy alternative to Soda’s and Ice Tea and other Sugary drinks.

Green Juices are rich in antioxidants, including Vitamins C and E and Leafy Green Juices are also excellent sources of amino acids,

Surveys show that New Year’s resolutions start to fade somewhere around January 12th but on National Green Juice Day it’s more than just a reminder to eat healthy; National Green Juice Day encourages people to stick with that resolution and continue on our way to a healthier lifestyle.

Recipe for Green Juice

Prep Time: 10 minutes
 Cook Time: 0 minutes
 Total Time: 10 minutes
 Yield: 3 cups 


  • 1 cup water
  • 2 medium apples, cut into chunks
  • 3 cups baby spinach leaves (or chopped spinach or baby kale)
  • 2 celery ribs, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cucumber, peeled and roughly chopped
  • ½ tablespoon fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • Optional: 1/2-inch piece ginger, peeled
  • 1 cup ice


  1. Wash the produce.
  2. Add the water, apples, spinach, celery, cucumber, and lemon juice to a blender. Blend until smooth.
  3. Add 1 cup ice and blend again.
  4. Pass the mixture through a medium or fine mesh strainer / sieve or nut milk bag into a bowl (medium mesh contains some of the fiber in the juice; fine mesh makes it completely clear).
  5. Pour into a glass and serve, or refrigerate until serving (or up to 24 hours).

Juicer variation: To make this in a juicer, simply pass all the produce through a juicer, then refrigerate and chill until cold (omit the water and ice).

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates