January 24th, National Compliment Day

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, how are you? Thank you for stopping by this morning. I would like to share another holiday with you. January 24th is National Compliment Day and just like a little kindness goes a long way so does a compliment. Would you help me pepper the world with both today.

National Compliment Day is the day to make sure you praise everyone you come into contact with including yourself. A compliment is amazing and giving or receiving a compliment can boost our happiness and confidence. You never know when someone could use a kind word or two or even three. Help me spread positivity by giving someone a reason to smile by complimenting them.


Happens on January 24.


Complimenting people on a good job, or praising them for work we admire, is built into human nature and a lot of times compliment someone without even giving it a second thought. Which is why we believe it’s important to compliment a good compliment!

Best known compliments:

  1. Before George R.R. Martin’s was a best selling author, Martin was a teenage fan boy in love with the world of comics. In 1964, he wrote a letter addressed to Stan Lee and Don Heck. In his letter, he praised the latest two issues of The Avengers and Fantastic Four, saying he had “finally come to the decision to have both mounted in bronze and set on a pedestal in the center of my living room.”

2. In 2011, Maurice Sendak, author of Where the Wild Things Are, told NPR that a child once expressed his love for the writer’s work by devouring it. The young boy had sent Sendak a charming card with a little drawing on it, which Maurice adored. In response, he sent a card and drew a picture of a Wild Thing with the words “Dear Jim: I loved your card.” Sendak soon received a letter back from Jim’s mother saying “Jim loved your card so much, he ate it.”


  1. Step out of your comfort zone and compliment people you don’t even know. Gas station attendants, Starbucks baristas, and everyone you come into contact with because they are worthy of receiving a compliment!
  2. Even though an in-person compliment may seem more sincere, what matters is making people feel good about themselves. Use the hashtag #NationalComplimentDay to share even more compliments.
  3. See if you can get friends and family to compliment at least one person because spreading good cheer is contagious.


  1. “Elf”Buddy: “You have such a pretty face, you should be on a Christmas card!”
  2. “Jerry Maguire”Jerry: “You complete me.”


  1. Receiving a compliment can certainly brighten your day and having someone notice positive traits in you can instantly make you more confident.
  2. Unlike Christmas, where we’re stressing out about spending money on gifts, compliments are free. Anyone can give a compliment regardless because they are free.
  3. I would like to share advice for our bosses and supervisors: Compliments are a powerful way to motivate employees, Studies show that rewarding a person with either compliments or money activate the same area of the brain. Compliments can increase on-the-job performance.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates