January 23 National Pie Day #NationalPieDay

The Mommies Reviews

January 23rd is National Pie Day #NationalPieDay. I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t mind having a slice of Pie but it would have to be Apple or Cool Whip Chocolate Pie with a Grahm Cracker Crust because those are the only Pies I eat. What about you. What is your favorite Pie and why?

As for Charlie he doesn’t eat any kind of Pie at all even though I grew up on Mrs. Baird’s Fried Pies and tried to get Charlie to try them he will not. Not even when we purchase Fried Pies at c Donald’s or Whataburger. Before you ask what about David he would eat any kind of Pie you hand him and ask for seconds or thirds if its a Pecan Pie.

National Pie Day was sponsored by the American Pie Council a real thing which lets us enjoy one of our favorite desserts guilt-free. After all, we’re celebrating a national holiday! While Pie exists in some form all over the world, the United States has an inextricable relationship with the flaky dessert.

From Don McLean’s epic song “American Pie” to expressions like “as American as Apple Pie,” our Country embraces the Pie especially Apple Pie in particular as a symbol of national pride. Preheat your oven or visit your local Bakery, and grab a slice of Pie, and celebrate the simple, delicious pleasures of good Pie.

National Pie Day Activities

  1. The best way to celebrate National Pie Day is to eat a slice of your favorite Pie or try a new and adventurous flavor of Pie!
  2. Did you know baking a Pie can be as easy as, well, Pie. Just look up a recipe online, or in a cookbook, or ask a family member to share a favorite Pie recipe and get to baking which is more fun when you invite your friends and family to help out with the baking.
  3. Many organizations hold Pie baking contests. If you’re feeling proud of your baking skills, try showing them off at your local bake-off.

Facts About Pie

  1. American Pie remains mostly unexplained though we know that “the day the music died” refers to the plane crash that killed Buddy Holly and others, which Don McLean has remained famously mum about the meaning of the song’s other enigmatic lyrics.
  2. Did you know getting pied dates back to Laurel & Hardy’s 1927 silent film The Battle of the Century which featured a Pie fight that used around 4,000 Pies. That must have kept someone baking for days on end.
  3. In a 2008 survey, 40% of respondents agreed that Carol Brady, of all TV moms, would bake the best Pie. Is that what you think? I think it would be Leave To Beaver’s Mom or Hazel Charlie said.
  4. Did you know Sweeney Todd redefined meat Pies? Johnny Depp gave a memorable performance in Tim Burton’s Sweeney Todd as the “demon barber of Fleet Street” who murders his clients so his neighbor can bake them into Pies. I don’t want any of that Pie. How about you?
  5. After the success of the show Breaking Bad, a few fans recreated a memorable scene by throwing Pizza onto the roof of the house where it was filmed. Unfortunately, the current owners didn’t appreciate the reenactment and installed a fence to keep overzealous groupies at bay. I don’t blame the owners. Do you?

Why We Love National Pie Day

  1. I would like to remind you no, one’s saying you should eat Pie for breakfast too often, but on this National Pie Day we can forget the guilt. If you’re feeling extra indulgent, add a scoop of Ice Cream to make your Pie à la mode.
  2. With practically infinite ingredient possibilities and baking styles, there’s sure to be a Pie out there for everyone. Except for Charlie he says.
  3. Even though we celebrate National Pie Day in January, National Pie Day reminds us of the sweet, lazy days of Summer. Doesn’t it?

Recipe for Pecan Pie

Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 50 mins Total Time: 1 hour

Servings: 8 Yield: 1 (9-inch) pie


  1. Gather the ingredients. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  2. Combine sugar, corn syrup, butter, water, and cornstarch in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a full boil; remove from heat.
  3. Beat eggs in a large bowl with an electric mixer until frothy. Gradually beat in cooked syrup mixture. Stir in salt, vanilla, and pecans.
  4. Pour pecan mixture into pie shell. Bake in the preheated oven until filling is set, 45 to 50 minutes.
  5. Allow to cool to room temperature. Serve and enjoy

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates