January 21st: National Hugging Day

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Holidays with you. January 21st: National Hugging Day #nationalhuggingday and the way I’ve been feeling a hug or two would be nice but I wouldn’t want to get anyone sick. Instead I am going to send you a virtual hug and kiss. If your out and about make sure you give everyone you come into contact a hug today or at least smile and wish them a wonderful day.

Charlie and I are going to make Cookies for his Homeschool Cooking Class this afternoon and attach small cards on them letting everyone who receives a bag know they’ve been hugged on #nationalhuggingday. Join us in making cookies and hug your friends and neighbors. You don’t even have to cook purchase already baked cookies or candy to place inside the goodie bags.

Or pick flowers from outside and give them a couple flowers and a hug because it doesn’t cost a lot of money to wish someone a nice day and a hug is one of the things in the world that is still free. Have a blessed day and next year if things are back to normal I promise you a real hug in person.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates