January 13th, 2024 Color of the Day Challenge #ColoroftheDay Challenge: Peach

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our January 13th, 2024 #ColoroftheDay Challenge: Peach. Life is funny as soon as I saw we were to share something Peach this morning my mind went to the Mario movie and Princess Peach from David’s favorite movie. Peach isn’t a color we have much of in our home although if you look at David, Charlie and I you might think were peach. Which is why I decided to share a phot of Charlie because he is my favorite peach.

January 14th, 2024 #ColoroftheDay Challenge: Peach
January 14th, 2024 #ColoroftheDay Challenge: Peach

Now, its your turn to share something peach with us.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates