I always try and clean up my office on Sunday’s for the following week which shows me what I need to do each day. I write out list for the week and put together reviews to do each day. I update my calendar with jobs that paid the week before. I make sure there is paper in the printer and make a list of things I need when we go shopping.

LORYD LORDY look at this mess which needs cleaned up asap..
This Sunday though I missed preparing for the week and now I feel like I’m struggling especially when I was looking online and say I had missed January 13th National Clean Off Your Desk Day #cleanoffyourdeskday. Which is fine because working from home we can do things on our own schedule.

If you will excuse me I’m going to stop working for a bit and clean up my office so David doesn’t have to when he is off this week. With the cold weather and snow this morning I will not be able to get out and walk but cleaning my office will allow me to get up and movie. Especially if I put on music because I can dance as I clean. Join me in cleaning up your office or a room in your home today.
My desk is cleaned off and my calendar is here so I can add this weeks work to it. My paper work sharing holidays and hashtags to use this week and the book I will be reviewing this evening. With my phones for any pictures I need to take. My shoes are under the desk so I can grab them when its time to take the dogs out. As well as my glass of water so I get in my daily water intake.

I know what a mess especially when this is Charlies desk for Homeschool but most of that is things that has come in this week that just needs straightened up and added to the totes for things to work on this week. The pillow was for the outside benches but with the Weather we need to put it on the couch.

As you can see I can clean up and now Charlie is ready to work on his classwork this morning. Or David and I will be able to use the desk when we work on our budget for the rest of the month. I know a backpack doesn’t belong on the desk but our coat rack is full of jackets and with it being her I can grab the backpack and head out the door. Plus if I need a pen or the notebook I keep in the backpack I can reach it at any time.

This is bookshelf/ entertainment center we purchased for Charlie’s Homeschool work but there isn’t a place in the trailer for it. I use it for my Printer and to hold a lamp because we do not have lights in the living room which makes working a pain and forget reading a book at night. I also use it to set things on I plan on working on during the week.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates