January 10 National Bittersweet Chocolate Day #BittersweetChocolateDay

The Mommies Reviews

January 10th is National Bittersweet Chocolate Day #BittersweetChocolateDay/ The more I sit here and ponder National Bittersweet Chocolate Day the more I wonder what I would find Bittersweet Chocolate in or how I would use it. Do you have any suggestions?

National Bittersweet Chocolate Day is celebrated on January 10th each year. Now, I have a question for you. Did you know that in ancient times, bittersweet Chocolate was used as a medicine to treat a wide variety of diseases?

Bittersweet Chocolates are popular all over the world for their unique and intense flavor. Bittersweet Chocolate is used in all sorts of Chocolate confections including desserts, and some think Bittersweet Choclate is even better when eaten as is! 

If you belong to the small part of the population for whom the rich, sweet flavor of Milk Chocolate isn’t just enough to satisfy your Chocolate craving, then you should enjoy celebrating Happy National Bittersweet Chocolate Day! 

For those that didn’t know it Bittersweet Chocolate is a type of Chocolate that does not contain any Milk. Bittersweet Chocolate is a blend of at least 35% Cocoa Liquor, Cocoa Butter, and a minimal amount of Sugar. It’s the ratio of Cacao to Sugar that determines whether the Chocolate is bittersweet, semi-sweet, or sweetened. Bittersweet, or Dark, Chocolate is at least 70% Cacao.

The history and origin of National Bittersweet Chocolate Day are unknown, but the history of Chocolates is extensive. According to research, Chocolate was first discovered by the Aztec, who used grounded Cocoa Beans for cooking a bitter beverage. They often cooked Cocoa Beans with Corn and Pepper and gave it a name: ‘Xocolatl’. This is the origin of the modern name ‘Chocolate’. 

When Europeans were taking great voyages across the Ocean, a few centuries back, they found the Aztec civilization and were introduced to ‘Xocolatl’. However, they did not particularly like the bitter Aztec beverage. They took the Cocoa Seeds back to Europe and added Sugar to the ground Cocoa Seeds. This gave birth to the Chocolate we eat today.

After that, Chocolate took many forms, shapes, flavors, and colors, and today we have hundreds of Chocolate brands available to satisfy our cravings. The questions is, do we need a special day to celebrate and indulge in Chocolates, which were already doing on a daily basis? Well, bittersweet Chocolate just gives us another reason to treat our taste buds.

National Bittersweet Chocolate Day Activities

  1. The best way you can celebrate National Bittersweet Chocolate Day is by eating a delicious bit of Dark Chocolate. Charlie and I will pass on because we only like Milk Chocolate. What about you?
  2. Or make your evening Cocoa with a bonus: a little block or two of Bittersweet Chocolate to make it decadently delicious.
  3. If you’re waiting for a surprise that can change your life for the better without being too sweet, today is the day! Spice up your normal, boring snacks by adding Bittersweet Chocolate with everything including Oranges, Figs, dried Apricots, or Almonds for a new taste experience.
  4. Purchase a bag full of bittersweet Chocolates and give it to your friends, family, and anybody you come across today and you will make their day!

Facts About Chocolate

  1. One ounce of Bittersweet Chocolate contains up to 10 milligrams of Caffeine, whereas one cup of brewed Coffee contains up to 150 milligrams of caffeine.
  2. Due to the high Cocoa content in Bittersweet Chocolate, it can be kept for years in the correct conditions including a cool dry area in a tightly sealed container.
  3. Bid goodbye to your iron supplements, because an ounce of Bittersweet Chocolate contains 10% of the daily recommended intake of iron. Sounds like Charlie and I need to bite the bullet and have some Bittersweet Chocolate or Dark Chocolate. Want to join us?
  4. Bittersweet Chocolate is loaded with antioxidants and Bittersweet Chocolate can act against cell damage and lower the risk of heart disease, keeping you healthy and younger for many years.
  5. Theobromine, the compound in Chocolate that makes it poisonous to Dogs, can kill a human as well if you ingest 22pounds of it.

Why We Love National Bittersweet Chocolate Day

Compared to their relatives, Bittersweet Chocolates are much healthier and can be consumed daily without compromising your wellbeing.

As much as people love Chocolates, most of them have only tasted or heard about Milk Chocolate, because Bittersweet Chocolate is not as popular. On National Bittersweet Chocolate Day, Bittersweet Chocolate gets the attention it deserves.

In any situation or environment, Chocolates can brighten up anyone’s mood. It’s Science and it helps in the release of multiple peptides of the brain and gut.

Recipe for Bittersweet Chocolate Brownies

Prep: 10 mins Cook: 25 mins Total: 35 mins Servings: 12 servings


1/2 cup chopped toasted walnuts

8 ounces bittersweet chocolate, broken into pieces

4 ounces (1/2 cup) unsalted butter

4 large eggs

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 1/4 cups granulated sugar

1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

3/4 cup all-purpose flour


  1. Steps to Make It
  2. Remove the brownies to a rack and let them cool completely before cutting into squares.
  3. Gather the ingredients. Heat oven to 350 F and grease and flour a 9-inch-square baking pan. Line the pan with greased parchment paper, if desired.
  4. Melt chocolate and butter in a bowl or pan over simmering water, stirring until smooth and warm. Set aside to cool.
  5. In a mixing bowl with an electric mixer, beat the eggs with the salt, sugar, and vanilla until the mixture is light in color and thickened.
  6. Stir in the cooled, melted chocolate and butter mixture. Fold in the flour and walnuts.
  7. Spread the brownie batter in the prepared pan and bake for about 25 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out with a few moist crumbs when inserted in the center.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates